World View Perspective: Remembering who we are
We are BEINGS of INFINITE POSSIBILITIES AND POTENTIAL. We are connected to a much greater field of existence.
When we are brought up within our families, we are taught and shown many, many things about life, love, survival and connection to family! They are useful, needed, wanted, desired and necessary skills and experiences, whether they are painful, difficult, challenging, wonderful, loving or fulfilling! Our families are usually our first exposure to lessons and experiences regarding life.
Yet, not all aspects of life we can possibly learn or want to learn are just found within our limited structured frame work of the past! Often, it is relatively one dimensional thinking, feeling and an acceptable way of life, rich with needed and necessary skills, development and understanding but lacking visions and development of the bigger picture. We learn about how our bodies function and what they need, we learn our names, our gender, our schooling, our family lineage, what is expected of us and how others see us, as well as our own unique personality and efforts. We are usually taken care of and provided for and guided on the path of maturity.
Yet, to expand our thinking, feeling and understanding, often we must go out on our own and study the world in a new way. Read new material, find new pursuits, maybe find a quality teacher or spiritual guide to show you or teach you how else to view yourself and the world you live in. Maybe we just need to go deeper within ourselves to access our own wisdom, knowledge and a deeper, more profound world view.
People often fear that that they do not know. Staying in a comfortable confine appeals to so many meany versus trying out new paths, plans or ideas! Yes, if you have never walked in a forest at twilight, you might not have any idea how lovely and peaceful it might be. Perhaps you fear bears will just show up so you won't go. Maybe you worry that spiders or snakes will jump out at you. It is possible you are afraid scary people will hurt or harm you so you never plan to go check it out. So, in that case, if you allow the fear of the unknown to keep you well within your only known structures, you are not allowing yourself to grow and expand into a broader perspective through greater experience.
It isn't to say that all unknown things to us are safe or even meant for us. Many may not be at all. In that case, discernment is a good practice when venturing into the unknown. We can LOVE and ACCEPT anything, as long as we discern what feels right for our self and our safety, too.
One of the areas when and where growth is essential is when we actively, consciously seek a greater spiritual awareness and awakening. When we begin to explore all that is possible beyond our known and understood worlds, more doors open and we begin to see ourselves and all of life in a new context; a context of discovery.
Yes, we are taught, shown and understand we have a mind, intellect and an emotional and physical body but how often are we taught we have a spiritual/psychic self, too? How often are we taught we are ok to be ourselves all the way through? Are we taught to practice self-love, self-acceptance, self-compassion or study self-understanding? How often do we forgive our selves and others and LET GO OF ANY AND ALL NEGATIVE THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS from the past ideas of ourselves or others? Usually, we are not taught or shown the importance of that but it is all apart of our natural and necessary healing!
Are we shown how to listen to our own Heart and Soul, to reach out to our own spirit for guidance, to watch for signs and symbols along the way? Are we taught to remember WHO WE REALLY ARE?
Remembering we are LIGHT in a physical body and remembering that LIGHT is around us, surrounding us ALL THE TIME is WHY WE ARE HERE!
That LIGHT is the INFINITE BEING OF PURE LOVE AND PURE ENERGY and we are NOT separate from it. It is as much of us as the trees, the mountains, the ocean and the breeze is, too. The stars, the sun, the moon and the Universe and the Cosmic World are all apart of it, too. They are also not separate! No living thing is separate, even though we come in so many forms. Our own planet Earth is a living entity with CONSCIOUSNESS, AWARENESS and LOVE!
Once we begin to accept we are our own Light, connecting us to the LIGHT, we begin to realize we can heal our self and vibrate that healing to others. We can become more TRUE to our selves and reflect more of that LIGHT to all around us, lifting up all living things, including the Earth we all live in and on!
It is miraculous we are all here, reflecting who we are, living our lives, being who we are and expanding past that, too. We must be discerning for our own system's best health and happiness but we can ALL OPEN OUR HEARTS and let LOVE shine to us and through us because LOVE, big, expansive, bold and constant, IS TRULY WHO WE ARE!!
When we are brought up within our families, we are taught and shown many, many things about life, love, survival and connection to family! They are useful, needed, wanted, desired and necessary skills and experiences, whether they are painful, difficult, challenging, wonderful, loving or fulfilling! Our families are usually our first exposure to lessons and experiences regarding life.
Yet, not all aspects of life we can possibly learn or want to learn are just found within our limited structured frame work of the past! Often, it is relatively one dimensional thinking, feeling and an acceptable way of life, rich with needed and necessary skills, development and understanding but lacking visions and development of the bigger picture. We learn about how our bodies function and what they need, we learn our names, our gender, our schooling, our family lineage, what is expected of us and how others see us, as well as our own unique personality and efforts. We are usually taken care of and provided for and guided on the path of maturity.
Yet, to expand our thinking, feeling and understanding, often we must go out on our own and study the world in a new way. Read new material, find new pursuits, maybe find a quality teacher or spiritual guide to show you or teach you how else to view yourself and the world you live in. Maybe we just need to go deeper within ourselves to access our own wisdom, knowledge and a deeper, more profound world view.
People often fear that that they do not know. Staying in a comfortable confine appeals to so many meany versus trying out new paths, plans or ideas! Yes, if you have never walked in a forest at twilight, you might not have any idea how lovely and peaceful it might be. Perhaps you fear bears will just show up so you won't go. Maybe you worry that spiders or snakes will jump out at you. It is possible you are afraid scary people will hurt or harm you so you never plan to go check it out. So, in that case, if you allow the fear of the unknown to keep you well within your only known structures, you are not allowing yourself to grow and expand into a broader perspective through greater experience.
It isn't to say that all unknown things to us are safe or even meant for us. Many may not be at all. In that case, discernment is a good practice when venturing into the unknown. We can LOVE and ACCEPT anything, as long as we discern what feels right for our self and our safety, too.
One of the areas when and where growth is essential is when we actively, consciously seek a greater spiritual awareness and awakening. When we begin to explore all that is possible beyond our known and understood worlds, more doors open and we begin to see ourselves and all of life in a new context; a context of discovery.
Yes, we are taught, shown and understand we have a mind, intellect and an emotional and physical body but how often are we taught we have a spiritual/psychic self, too? How often are we taught we are ok to be ourselves all the way through? Are we taught to practice self-love, self-acceptance, self-compassion or study self-understanding? How often do we forgive our selves and others and LET GO OF ANY AND ALL NEGATIVE THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS from the past ideas of ourselves or others? Usually, we are not taught or shown the importance of that but it is all apart of our natural and necessary healing!
Are we shown how to listen to our own Heart and Soul, to reach out to our own spirit for guidance, to watch for signs and symbols along the way? Are we taught to remember WHO WE REALLY ARE?
Remembering we are LIGHT in a physical body and remembering that LIGHT is around us, surrounding us ALL THE TIME is WHY WE ARE HERE!
That LIGHT is the INFINITE BEING OF PURE LOVE AND PURE ENERGY and we are NOT separate from it. It is as much of us as the trees, the mountains, the ocean and the breeze is, too. The stars, the sun, the moon and the Universe and the Cosmic World are all apart of it, too. They are also not separate! No living thing is separate, even though we come in so many forms. Our own planet Earth is a living entity with CONSCIOUSNESS, AWARENESS and LOVE!
Once we begin to accept we are our own Light, connecting us to the LIGHT, we begin to realize we can heal our self and vibrate that healing to others. We can become more TRUE to our selves and reflect more of that LIGHT to all around us, lifting up all living things, including the Earth we all live in and on!
It is miraculous we are all here, reflecting who we are, living our lives, being who we are and expanding past that, too. We must be discerning for our own system's best health and happiness but we can ALL OPEN OUR HEARTS and let LOVE shine to us and through us because LOVE, big, expansive, bold and constant, IS TRULY WHO WE ARE!!
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