World View Perspective: When the world is led through HEART

In changing times, when there is such a 'great pause' in our daily lives, it gives us a chance to view the world and ourselves in a new way.  How best to proceed when all we have counted on gives way.  How do we see ourselves and our lives when all is changing around us.  When our stability is threatened, our established ways are altering, our way forward is currently blocked, what do we now have to turn to?

The first thing to realize is we must allow our self image to shift and change and give ourselves time to develop into a new self, ready to adapt to changes.  We need to do so gently and without judgement.  Digging down deep, we can accept changes of courage, boldness and access a deeper truth within us.  See it as a well that has been on our property that has now gone dry.  Do you dig down deeper to access water again?  Do you move your drilling site further out by your property line, do you borrow your neighbors's well or do you pull up your stakes and find your next place and water source?  Allowing yourself to adapt, shift and change your self image to survive and thrive somewhere new?

As seeds develop in the spring into summer, the breezes at different times blow them from the plant where they developed to places and spaces unknown.  The seeds must trust the wind and trust where they land.  They trust their new growth there, too.  They surrender to the new path they are taking without question and without clinging to the known. It may take them awhile to let go to the wind but, for their survival, they must!

Our sense of self develops over time and with a variety of influencing factors.  We have parents, siblings, extended family members, teachers, neighbors, friends, home environments, educational environments, work environments and relationships with other people along the way.  All these factors along with our own personality, intelligence, emotional balance, creative ideas and inherent awareness and knowledge of self, life and the world combine to show us the way to proceed through life, along with the needed and necessary skills to get there!

Along these lines, we usually follow that that we know from examples and from all that is around us surrounding us.  That is our natural way.  Yet, in times of multiple changes going on, what if the way forward is to fundamentally change one's inherent perspective, allowing a new sense of self to emerge?

What if that new way is by leading your life through the HEART!  Really tuning into where your HEART would like to go?  Where your own heart would truly love to be and where it would be most 'at home' within itself?

See it as a painting.  If your Heart of hearts would paint your ideal, happy heart life, where would it be and what would it be doing?  Who might be there and what joy would you experience?  How would your body feel, what kinds of lifestyle choices would you now make?  In other words, if you lived and chose to live a life through HEART, what would that look like for you?

The world has operated by a set of old standards for a long, long time.  Some of us have fit right in and felt at home but some of us have not.  We got along alright but we didn't feel completely engaged or rewarded or truly fulfilled.  Is this because it has been an old paradigm or is it because a new era of a new perspective is why you are here?

A new paradigm is descending as we speak.  The old is on it's way out.  This is happening because change must come, evolution must happen, growth is assured.  We must begin to remember and recognize who we are, who we truly are, and expand our thinking and abilities through opening and using our BIGGER HEART.

OUR BIGGER HEART is connected to the HEART of Mankind, the UNIVERSE and the COSMOS!  We are not separate.  We are essentially a part of everything.  That same LOVE we feel goes throughout the WHOLE LIVING WORLD and BEYOND.  It is ALL ONE COSMIC HEART AND SOUL and we are the micro of the macro!!  That LOVE flowing to us and through us is US and everything made of or from LOVE ITSELF!  Everything around us, surrounding us has consciousness and it has LOVE at it's core!

IF LOVE LEAD THE WORLD, the world would respond.  MORE ABUNDANCE, MORE JOY, MORE TRUTH and MORE GRATITUDE would follow and more would open their COLLECTIVE HEARTS!  Much more giving, more open connections and more sharing and caring for all.  No more hording, fear, attacks, competition or greed!  No more great acts of separation, division, us against them mentality.    

WHOLENESS and HAPPINESS would become our new normal and more would be available for all!  We would keep growing and flowing and evolving together, aiming higher and making a new and wonderful world!

Is it just a dream, just a hopeless vision, never a possible reality . . . NO!  We are COLLECTIVELY CAPABLE of SO MUCH MORE!!  We need to choose to OPEN OUR HEARTS AS WIDE AS THEY CAN GO, while practicing self-care and self compassion and self-love!

Imagine a world lead by HEART, see yours as a part of it.  FEEL THAT TRUTH and THAT JOY and know that is the INFINITE POSSIBILITY flowing to you and through you.  That time for a NEW ERA of CONSCIOUSNESS could now be right in front of us!  Go in LOVE and watch what begins to take shape.  TRUST YOUR HIGHEST HEART to show you the way forward and know that IT IS GOOD!!


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