World View Perspective: Freedom from fear

When fear settles into any part of us at any age and stage in our lives, it is useful to understand it, feel it and consider why it is there.  It is also useful to fish it out and begin each day with a new and renewed sense of self.

To move through life with a certain degree of caution is wise but to carry forward with us a very old, outmoded, unnecessary amount of stagnant fear is to rob ourselves of a current 'now' presence.

We cherish our lives, our existence, our connection to other people and the people we love.  So we fear the loss of what we know to be that.  Yet, in light of ongoing gratitude, a state of mind we can always welcome in, we can be present with all we love all the time, despite any and all fears that arise within us about the loss of what we cherish.

Let go of all we fear to lose, as Yoda said in Star Wars.  It is through our attachments that we experience a great deal of fear!  We fear to lose what we have that fulfills us and makes us happy!

When we live in a state of gratitude, we feel more present in the moment and if anything or anyone begins to affect how we feel from that place of chosen gratitude, we can feel it begin to change us.  We can feel fear in others as well as ourselves.

Fear can stay with us a long time and act like a 'dam' to our ongoing attempts to be happier and healthier!  It can 'clog up' our present now and prevent us from experiencing a present joy, which, essentially, is a freedom from fear!

If we take some time to search out any fear in our systems, it can be quite a useful practice.  See it like putting on a miner's hat with a light.  Now with a clear light, look through your psychic, your intellect, your mind, your past, your emotional self, your psychological and your physical self honestly.  See what fear is there, perhaps lurking about on the periphery.  Once you find it, flesh it out, fish it out and dig it out, grabbing it and telling it no more!  Look at it honestly and then love it completely.  Tell your fear you know why it was or is there and then let it go.  See it fly out the window, soar above the clouds, evaporate into a million beams of light.  Now fill that same space with a deep faith that you are just fine, you are buoyant, you are not afraid, you are protected by the Great I AM that lives inside YOU all the time.  The INFINITE BEING OF PURE LOVE AND PURE ENERGY is with YOU as YOU always.  This I AM is always guiding you and it is that PRESENCE deep within you that is LOVE, LIGHT and GRACE and not fear.  Our fear is very human.  Our deep Faith and our deep feeling in our inner I AM is beyond our human experience.

Freedom from fear is acknowledging that we are not just these human coverings but, in fact, we are something much more clear, more Loving and more connected to a much Higher sense of self.  It is in trusting that SELF to remove and eliminate any and all fear we have or are carrying that is effectively in our way!  We can Trust it to keep us well, trust it to guide us safely and trust it to fill us with Love and Light, without fear.

Exercising caution and self-awareness are useful and with them both, we can stay on our toes and navigate ourselves and our surroundings.  But when our human system clings too tightly to fear, especially old, stuck fear, we can sink our own ship too easily and too hard.  Letting it go, let's us rise to any challenge and to win.  Freedom of fear is to trust that our Greatest and Highest good knows exactly what it is doing!!

May this be a time of great TRUST and FAITH for YOU!!  Sending such LOVE . . .


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