World View Perspective: Eliminating punishments from the past
Without being particularly aware of it, we carrying the remnants of old punishments around, hidden away inside of us. We learn how to swallow our experiences of being punished because they are painful experiences to have and they are even more painful to hold.
Again, if we see our inner sense of self like a pond that was full of golden Light when we were born, it is easy to see how that 'pond' might have been affected and impacted throughout the course of our life to date.
When we are young and innocent, we have no idea who could hurt us or why. We don't yet have the consciousness to see negative things that might impact us come from others who could have issues and past unresolved pain that is still impacting them in negative, old ways. It could be young people our same age that are jealous, fearful, envious or angry that they aren't us. We don't know and we don't know why they or their words would hurt us! Because of our not knowing, we can take their hurts personally and let that hurt fester for a very long time. When that happens, without our knowledge, that depth of 'punishment' can end up making us feel badly about ourselves and we unconsciously continue punishing ourselves as if it was real and we still deserve it. This then becomes a dangerous cycle of self-hate, anger, negative thinking and it can spill into blaming others. When the punishment is triggered, we can continue blaming others for our own pain and unconscious memory of such pain.
Seen as an effective healing tool, we can eliminate the blame and take it on as a self project! We can see it as a time to clean out and clear out our own inner pond. We can take charge of cleaning out the past identification with any and all punishments and restoring our own inner ponds with fresh new Light, Love and Acceptance.
How to do that? First, by recognizing that we need to. Second, by trusting that we can and third, by being determined to cleanse out old punishments. We must become empowered to make it our responsibility to clear the old hurt and LET IT GO! See it as a real live pond in your own backyard. It gets natural debris in it; old sticks, leaves, boards, bugs or bricks. It becomes heavy, clogged, cluttered and stuck. Maybe the filter has stopped working. Instead of making it about anyone else, we can consciously decide to take responsibility for the well working order of our own inner pond.
We truly spend time forgiving ourselves and all others for allowing the clutter and clogging to happen to begin with, in order to restore our own inner sense of being a positive person again! To regain our happiness, health and natural sense of well-being! To re-balance our greater sense of self now.
It doesn't matter who threw in what stone, rock or stick when we take responsibility to keep our pond clean now. What matters is that we NOW KNOW we can work with that old, stagnant energy and free it up so we free ourselves up from the past and the past sense of needing to be or being punished.
Being punished came at us and may not have been us at all and yet we might have held onto it. Let it GO now and reclaim your own empowerment. Become determined to KNOT act as if you need to be punished anymore by anyone, including yourself, for any reason. If you take inappropriate action, understand you will know it and you can fix it! Reclaim your most positive sense of self and keep your inner pond clean, clear and refreshed. It will restore your SELF-FAITH, SELF-LOVE and SELF-COMPASSION in yourself and your positive sense of self will rise again. See it as a new balloon, filling with golden LIGHT! See it as a lighter, brighter Y. O. U.
You are your own best SELF-EMPOWERMENT and you and only you can become determined and decide to be happy and healthy now and not allow anyone to negatively impact you or your inner pond again. You can SHINE as yourself once more!
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