World View Perspective: As the Heart descends

In all the current confusion, unrest and disarray, a clearing is occurring.  A dusting off of the way the old structure was working.  A removal of over-burdened excess, like someone clearing off furniture and moving it around to eliminate the build-up of dust under the old tattered and torn couch!  After the work is done, a new era, a new space, a greater room can be ushered in.

Yes, there is loss, pain, worry and stress about why this is all happening and affecting so many people, families and groups of human beings around the globe.  In the clouds of confusion, despair, sadness and fear, we also have the opportunity to heal and transform and begin anew!

As if the Queen herself is arriving for afternoon tea, the whole space and place must be cleaned, aired out and fresh new bold changes must have taken place!  Then once that has happened, the improved area is perfect for the Queen to arrive, thrive and survive the time and space, right on time!

If, in fact, the Heart of the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energy is descending, the ground beneath her feet must be made ready.  Yes, it is a metaphor and yet, The Love of the Infinite is descending.  Changes arriving due to the global virus are creating the opportunities for the changes to be positive as the dust settles back down.  Countless people of heart have been stepping forward to help those in need as they hear the cry of those craving support!  The HEART of these people have been coming forward!

If a family is living in a house but, in truth, they should move and live somewhere else, a storm might come in out of nowhere and drop a tree of two on their house.  In the mad scramble to get the family out and find another more suitable housing situation, the family might actually stumble into the right and perfect area for themselves now.  Without the storm and the fallen trees, this move might never have happened for them.  After they are safe again and starting life over, looking back they might see the hidden blessing!

To awaken, to enliven, to transform us into Heart Beings, who care and have compassion for our fellow man, perhaps all the current disorder is just the thing for us to open our eyes and smell the current coffee!  To remove the 'mental blinders', keeping us from seeing the bigger truth and larger picture!

Equality for all is a way to see the world.  On the Heart and Soul level, aren't we all truly equal?  Isn't there ONE LIGHT, ONE LOVE and ONE TRUTH on the Higher Levels of our BEING SELVES, in TRUTH?  Seen in our HIGHEST LOVE AND LIGHT aren't we all from that state of WHOLENESS?

As the HEART descends, and we can feel it, isn't it possible that we can open our COLLECTIVE HEARTS and receive it?  That we, too, can open our CLEAR AND OPEN HEARTS and MINDS each day and receive the most beautiful descending energy coming into our world now?  It isn't just possible, it is important and it is needed now.

That LOVE has heard the need to return to awaken us all to the COLLECTIVE LOVE we all carry, knowing we are not separate from the GREAT INFINITE LOVE that exists all through the Cosmos and into INFINITY and well into our very Earth, where all living things and BEINGS can truly live in harmony and FULL PRESENCE!  This harmony is what creates PEACE!

So, YES, in our current frenzy of change, brought on by a global pandemic, let's open our HEARTS and receive ALL THE LOVE and LIGHT that is descending as well, to usher in a NEW ERA OF CONSCIOUSNESS for us all!  It is possible and it is NOW!  Become that LOVE and HEART that is coming into Earth NOW!  For it is truly who we all are!!


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