World View Perspective: When we wise up, we rise up
When we access our wisest self, we begin to rise up from a point of Higher Inner Grace. We remember our Inner Light and we experience what it feels like to be in Union with that Higher Light of Understanding, Compassion and Love. We know from that point of Inner View, that we are, in fact, all connected and part of that unseen field of endless Grace!
Our inherent wisdom tells us that all of life is essentially ONE and even Earth is an alive and living entity, too. The ONE FORCE and ONE SOURCE that exists in the Cosmic and Universal planes, is not separate from us because that simply cannot be the case. It is life and we are life, it is LIGHT and we are LIGHT! It is the ego that sees the separation and believes it. Yes, the art of discernment must come in.
You can witness a monkey climbing on a tree and feel the ONENESS between you but if that monkey climbs down the tree and grabs your keys, you'd react because you'll need them to drive home. You then boundary yourself from the monkey to protect your means of maintaining a way back to safety. Another level of your wisdom kicks in. You are wise to keep your keys because they will ensure your safe return and they don't belong to the monkey.
When we utilize our Inner Wisdom, we lighten up because we know the inherent wisdom found in our own soul. We know our individual soul is an aspect of the Cosmic Soul. We are wise to recognize it, hear it, invite it in, cherish it and learn from it. It guides our growth and it aids in our well being.
Making time and space in every day to listen to our soul's voice, allows us to lift up our energy and our efforts with life. It allows us to release and let go of old stuck heaviness that is no longer useful and it encourages us to embrace who we are inside. The more we accept our LIGHT, the more we LIGHTEN up!
See it like a helium filled balloon. When the helium fills the balloon, the balloon lifts up and rises. Our INNER Wisdom lifts up as well, to far greater heights than just being human allows us!
When we can collectively wise up, remembering our surrounding LIGHT, LIFE and LOVE, that we cannot be separate from, we will rise up naturally! The Higher we go in CONSCIOUSNESS, the more we see, the more we know and the more we'll understand. That expansion of CONSCIOUSNESS is our wisdom.
It is an INNER GIFT and one worth having because then we are ONE and we will have WON!
Dare to 'wise up' and feel yourself 'rise up'!! Be the LIGHT you are and let that be your guide! Trust what it wants to tell you and trust your CONSCIOUS WISDOM to rise, taking you with it!
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