World View Perspective: We only suffer when we think we are the past
If we consider our human systems consist of our spiritual body, intellectual body, mental body, psychological body, emotional body and physical body, we can literally stuff age old pain, grudges and hurtful memories into any one of our bodies and it can stay trapped in there, in our unconsciousness/subconsciousness forever. It can flare up, of course, when it is triggered and nudge us, perturb us, stress us, get our attention and even create distressing situations until or unless we go into it, feel it and heal it. When our systems feel 'out of sorts' it is usually due to something in our past that is trying to move on and can't currently do so. It is a trapped feeling or emotion that has not been resolved yet and yet, something else in our awareness knows it needs to be released so we can continue on in our lives. It can also happen in the moment and we feel it but we don't know what it is that happened. Picture a family gathering. You have been claiming to be...