World View Perspective: Where is the Voice?

When confusion reigns, when fear pervades, when the Earth Herself, begins to shake, roll and cleanse and when She clearly seems undone, where is the Voice of clarity, understanding and compassion?  Where is the Guidance and Truth for us to follow?  Are there many Voices, are there many directions, are there many paths and if so, how do we find them?

The answer that has been through time is still the same.  The Voice to listen to is within.  It is within our very Heart and Soul. It is that clarity, that understanding and that perception that will indeed guide us home and guide us to Truth.

When Mankind can open it's Collective Hearts, Souls and Greater Minds, we will see and know the Bigger Truth and, therefore, be in positions to assist Mankind and the Earth Herself.  We will see our greater expanse and how LOVE is the only way forward.  

We must KNOW and RESPOND to who we TRULY are before we can have a positive impact on our environment, ourselves and our lives, thereby, becoming aware of what is best and most useful in terms of action, thought, feeling and approach.

We are surrounded by Light, Love, Grace and Truth always.  It is easy to believe we are limited to these physical forms only with a single mind, names, histories, families, friends, jobs and homes but, in fact, we are much bigger and broader BEINGS who can remember and realize the Greater Truth and become it for positive effect.

The Earth is now crying out for that shift and change because She is being attacked and ravaged for Her Resources, Her Gifts, Her endless Generosity, Her boundless LOVE and She is revolting to get our attention.  We must shift from a greed perspective and focus on GRACE, we must shift from lust and turn to LOVE, we must turn away from FEAR and focus on FAITH!  We must become who we are by listening to the Voice within our very Heart of HEARTS!

Our Inner Selves know our own Inner Truth, we just have to make the time to listen, realize and respond to what it is She is asking and saying.  She is not separate from us, She is an entity, too.  She is aware, She is a Conscious Being and She Feels it ALL!

Just like a human being, She thrives on LOVE, RESPECT and RECOGNITION of Her Gifts and Her Giving.  Mankind seems to think they can take anything and everything they want from Her without consequences but that is not correct.  She has an endpoint of what is and isn't appropriate in terms of Her Giving and Providing, just like people do.

The Voice to listen to is deep within each one of us.  It is the Voice of LOVE, UNITY and COMPASSION and it needs to be heard and acknowledged now.  We must recognize the UNITY of all living things and how deeply connected we all truly are!

Open YOUR HEART and LOVE Mother Earth, Love yourselves, Love your life and whisper to yourself, "How Can I Serve?'  See how you can change your life to show Mother Earth and all of Mankind how much LOVE you really carry, deep in your HEART of HEARTS and how seeking balance, harmony and Grace in your Heart can change your Life and those that are around and surround you.  It is time to be so bold, bold enough to find your LIGHT, your LOVE and let it SHINE!  Shine into the Hearts of all of Mankind, the Earth and us all.  That genuine and sincere LOVE will come back as life and Earth are LOVINGLY, POSITIVELY restored.  Yes, you can do it and yes, the time is here.  LOVE is the harmony on every single level there is . . . always, and always it will W. I. N.!!


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