World View Perspective: Heart Harmony must happen

Even the Earth now speaks of imbalance.  She is purifying Her imbalances so a greater Harmony with nature can occur.  She wants our attention.  She is a living, loving entity all Her Own and until we realize Her True Worth and Value, She will continue to make Her Voice known.

We are not separate from Her.  She is requesting our Loving Presence on Earth. She begs for our awareness and our Truth.  What is that Truth?

The Truth is we are all Beings of Light, Love and Grace if only we will remember that and allow that expanded Self forward.  That expanded Self is already aligned with LOVE itself and that LOVE lives in our Collective HEARTS of HEARTS!  This is what Mother Earth needs now.  She needs Our Love, Our Light and Our Grace.

She is not to be exploited, nor abused, nor ignored! She is to be Loved, Nurtured, Recognized for all She openly and willingly provides.  She offers us food, light, warmth, water, all forms of nature and life itself.  Just like Mothers of people and animals, She gives effortlessly to all living things.

She is asking for Heart Harmony now.  Harmony between people, harmony between males and females, harmony between countries, harmony in families, harmony with ourselves and harmony with nature itself.  Heart harmony between the young and old through greater understanding, harmony with our past, no matter how challenging it was or continues to be.

She is asking us to Forgive it all, Love it all and be Grateful for it all.  Honor the oceans, the rivers, the streams, the forests, the meadows, cherish the mountains and cherish all of earth.  Treat Her with respect and LOVE because She is seeking Heart Harmony for us all.

There are energies on this earth, found in human beings, that need to be purified.  Greed, lust, fear and false power to name a few.  When we become conscious of how we have allowed these energies to run our lives and control our minds, we can begin to release them and let their hold over us go.  When we do, we begin to harmonize our systems and therefore, we can manifest more Light, Love and Grace.  In that ultimate transformation, we begin to see how connected we all are instead of how separate we think we all are.  It is in that lower view of separation that we hurt each other instead of seeking True Harmony, which allows the Collective to re-balance itself through LOVE.

Remember your LIGHT, LOVE and GRACE and consciously, actively invite Your Higher Self into your system to help cleanse it, purify it and re-balance it on every level.  Then and only then will you find the LOVE and Harmony that you are and be a True Supporter of Life and of Earth Herself.  Peace and harmony will result and we will ALL WIN as will Mother Earth Herself.


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