World View Perspective: Using our own inner integrity to discern

When we trust our Higher Sense of Self and feel it deep within us, we experience our own inner integrity.  When we invite in and allow in that inner integrity to guide us, lead us, show us our true reflection, we as a whole BEING can accomplish quite a bit.  It becomes our finest discerning tool to navigate the shifts and changes of our lives.

See it like an inner compass.  Even though our intention is to go one way, something inside us shows us another way to proceed.  Maybe it is a small voice, maybe it is a heart tug, perhaps it is just an unshakable feeling or we hear it all around us.  When we stop to listen and let it in and learn to trust it, amazing miracles and growth can and will occur.

Our own greatest asset, both human and spiritual, is to know our own inner integrity.  A check-point within our self, that guides to what is truly right for us versus false, outgrown or not longer essential.

There is so much illusion and falsehood in life or, at least, necessary ages and stages of growth needed and necessary for us all to go to and through until complete. If we don't have a means to discern it for ourselves, in order to find the best way or path forward, how best to get there?

Truth and the search or seeking for truth is admirable and a worthwhile path. There is a truth to life and living.  It involves our heart of HEARTS to adequately find the needed balance and harmony in order for positive results to occur. Our Hearts simply must be engaged in the process.  Our minds see and understand many things one way but our Heart's integrity brings the healthy, happy, more truthful balance to any situation.  Love is another positive, discerning tool. When we do activities or follow what we love, there are positive results.

Negativity, upset, stress and frustration also come into our lives, minds and thoughts.  We must remain conscious when that happens so we can continuously move them on, lightening our load.  When we apply our own inner integrity to any situation, we can mid-course correct and walk and talk our truth again.

To gain our own inner integrity, we must understand our own Higher Inner Nature.  This is Spirit and Spirit takes us directly to the SOURCE.  Once that inner relationship is established, that clear awareness, guidance and greater clarity will guide us, work with us and help us all to develop our own inner/outer integrity and therefore, our own inner compass.

Once there, we can discern our right and perfect path, despite what others may be telling us about who we are, where we should be and what we should be doing with our lives.

Our Heart and Soul Self, Higher and Highest Perspective, knows best what is correct for us.  We just need to realize who we really are and be open to what needs to happen next.  We need to trust that and we can by developing our own inner and outer integrity.  Then our walk in life becomes effortless because it is based in inner knowledge, wisdom and truth, along with our own inner developed integrity in all respects.

Inner integrity is essential for these changes to occur and for us to become who we truly are in our lives.  A balanced, happy, healthy and whole individual who has and sustains inner balance and harmony through Love, Peace and Inner Truth.  Then anything in life becomes so much clearer and easier to know and to navigate!


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