World View Perspective: The blessings of imbalances

When something has been imbalanced for a long, long time, the time of re-balance must occur.  Maybe the message is subtle, maybe the message is strong and life-changing but it must occur because without balance, no one can move forward.

Many things about human nature are now coming to light because their imbalance has hit a 'tipping point'.  Meaning we can't collectively move forward until this re-addressing happens. Not just in thought or feeling but with action, too.

Our minds divide and our hearts unite.  We have a heart and we also have emotional truth.  Emotional truth or emotional intelligence is an answer to where this imbalance must happen.  Female systems, found in humans and animals, most naturally, have an emotional sensitivity, an awareness, an emotional reaction-response because it serves to protect and provide care for the family and the female herself.  It is an inner knowing that alerts a female to what is going on. It is useful in nature and it is an intuitive intelligence.  Of course, males have it, as well, but our society hails men still as the 'big bread winners' and consequently, the males aren't as freely allowed to develop this natural ability to foster their intuitive sensitivities as much as continue doing what ever is necessary to provide and protect the family. This often means, they can't be themselves, which breeds aggression, deep rage, deep frustrations and a need to act out.  This again, throws the balance.

The male/female roles we have all played out over time are of assistance for emotional bonds to stay in place.  The family unit is important for many, many people, however, when we aren't allowed to be our true selves or true to our true selves, harmful, hurtful things can and do happen. Why is this?  Because we aren't just our roles for other people, we have a true self within us, too.  That true self is connected to what is true and when that Truth needs it's expression, that is what needs to occur.

We must be able to put down our human obligations enough to allow out our True Self and it's positive intention, which is to express and stand for what is real and True.

Intuitive Intelligence is a real intelligence and it is now demanding a 'Voice'.  Who we really are is Light, Heart and Love and we are not truly divided individuals. We just literally think we are.  It is in our minds that we divide everything out. We judge, we criticize, we condemn and we create the imbalances through our thinking.  We decide what is fair and right versus trusting our own heart to know what is fair and right.

Our True Heart knows the answers already.  We need to listen to it, trust it, honor it and respect it to make a difference in our life.  It is currently, collectively screaming out for a 'Voice' to usher in a new era of Truth for us all.

Our minds can deceive us but our True Heart never will.  This is the Grand Imbalance of all.  The HEART in US ALL MUST BE HEARD.  Then we all win and the world itself will find it's True Balance; which is Peace, Love, Light and Grace for us all.  This is the True Blessing of imbalances.  They cannot rest until they have found their balance once again.  Here's to the Heart in us all!  May it not stay silent.


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