World View Perspective: The Peace in our Heart can heal our personal pieces

Our Highest Heart can heal the broken pieces of our personal heart.  The INFINITE LOVE we carry is our Highest Consciousness.  That endless resource can enter our own personal heart and 'bring to Light' what, who and why we were hurt in the past.  It can show us deeply where we were too vulnerable to avoid the pain and how, with the clear, current Consciousness, we can let go and Let God clear the old, stuck blockages until our Light and Energy is flowing clearly again towards greater happiness, health and clarity!

With old relationships, which can be the Source of the initial pain, or personal heartbreak, we can see the old emotional attachments as red ropes, holding down our 'hot air balloon' sense of self.  The sense of self that should be 'up', happy, joyful and inspired.  These ropes of attachment we can feel, keep us 'bound' to the past but which might not adequately, honestly reflect who we are now.

For example, if you are one of four sisters in a family and every sister but you stays in their hometown, marries their high school boyfriend and has two children, their joint judgement towards you for not (knot) doing it their way, could hold you down and back until you walk, talk and respond just like they do.  In that case, with Love and Gratitude, imagine those tight red ropes, and see your LOVE untying those unnecessary and unneeded ropes of false bondage.  Watch them clear your system and fly into the air, off of you and off of them, allowing them to move on as well.  Then with LOVE again, fill in that space the released ropes have created in your system and in theirs.  Send them Love and Light and then let go.  Notice how much lighter and brighter you feel!  You might hear from them soon after doing the release work but just know you can release those binds that tie you down as often as needed.  It allows you to love yourself and continue on without that energetic burden.  You can still relate to the person and spend time but the relationship can and will improve after that because the false bondage has gone.  A more genuine connection can now form.

Just like a crowded closet of clothes.  If we stuff the past set of clothes in with the present set, we can suddenly have no room to move, we can get lost in the old clutter, we can waste a lot of time digging through it or we can start fresh with just the current wearable and usable clothes.  Our energy with our selves and others is just like that.  The old unneeded and unnecessary clutter of attachment and bondage can and needs to be released so the new fresh possibilities can come.  Holding onto the past weighs us down and can give us the feeling of being suffocated.

To venture deeper into our self and all that has negatively affected, effected, infected or impacted our world throughout our lifetime, using our Highest Consciousness, we'll be shown where we have been lost, confused, unconscious, distracted and dismissed.  Pain will surface, anger will surface, disbelief will surface and so will doubt.  Yet, when we apply the Highest Love, the Highest Faith and the Highest Forgiveness we can, Our Highest, Most Loving Beautiful Self can and will set our personal old heartbreaks free.  The small scattered, shattered and tattered personal pieces will find PEACE through letting go to the LOVE in your HIGHEST HEART!

The INFINITE BEING OF PURE LOVE and PURE ENERGY wants to consciously, actively UNITE with us and how we do that is through our Highest Faith that that is possible.  By Uniting with that LOVE, the personal heart can become WHOLE and complete again, through sincere and genuine forgiveness in our self and in all others and especially, in the Infinite BEING.  We each have a path, we each have our own 'soul goal' and we each have a way to get to and through life.  Our BIG HEART can guide our smaller heart and UNITE ALL OF OUR PIECES WITH PEACE ITSELF . . . we just have to fully LOVE and fully TRUST the process and it is GOOD!


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