World View Perspective: When we love ourselves on the inside and outside

In the great search for our positive thinking and happiness, when we can honestly love and accept ourselves on the inside and the outside, we will lighten our load and experience that great inner peace.  To Love and Accept the Highest aspect of Our Self, surrendering any and all old imbalances of fear, deep worry, apprehension and doubt, we set all those limitations free.  Space is made to really experience that Higher realm of all that's good!

As we grow and develop, we aren't necessarily aware of how much other people's thoughts, feelings, opinions and judgments towards us can affect us.  Their expectations, needs, wants and relationships with us can entangle us in many energies that aren't ours.  We might feel it but we might be uncertain where it comes from or from which person.

For example, our parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins will all have their own views about money, status and privilege without them mentioning any of it to you.  Yet, it can all be projected at you without your conscious knowledge.  These can become 'negative chords' that bind us to their ideals and yet they are not ours. We might have a totally different point of view. We might carry those chords for years, even our entire life, without true awareness of them or their impact on us.

When we imagine an Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energy connected to us on the inside, we can also experience a release of those old chords and the bondage they created.  They can all be released this way and the LOVE replaces the old fear.  In other words, we can transform and transmute that that can no longer bind us to the past.  What is good and loving about the past, we can keep with us but what is not good or necessary, can openly and cleanly, be released.

This Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energies unites us with LOVE as a pure energy.  This Pure Energy is capable of releasing any and all old energy blocks that prevent us from moving forward in positive, healthy and happy ways.  It is like carrying an ongoing, trusting LIGHT within you that keeps other people's negative chords or negative judgment and thinking off you.  In other words, it keeps your system clean and clear!

When we can consciously, actively bring that beautiful LIGHT, to us and through us, becoming us on the inside and outside, we begin to vibrate as the LOVE itself.  Nothing that isn't the LOVE can stick or stay because that is the way it works.  LIGHT and LOVE clears the dark and old off of us so our energy and, often our attitude, is transformed and lifted Higher.  LOVING us the way the Infinite BEING LOVES US is the Highest vibration we can be on.  Being conscious and mindful of that every day in every way, allows that CONSCIOUSNESS to do it's work.  Trust that greatest of LOVE and feel it lift you Higher and Higher, knowing that ultimately on the inside and outside, that is truly who you are!  Unite with that LOVE and let it transform all else.  Within that Living Grace is Peace, Joy, Love and Light and it is and always has been, good!


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