World View Perspective: Our True Worth

When we can openly, honestly begin to ask ourselves what will inspire each of us to follow a life that enhances our greatest health and happiness, our natural, innate Spirit can begin our inner work towards such a goal.

Perhaps we have been following a path that simply reinforces our parental programming, just reinforces our specific, particular roles in life or maybe we are following every generations same set of expectations or perhaps those that society dictates.  Nothing is wrong with that, especially when others are counting on us to lift up and support our family, children, living parents and others that are in our care.  Yet, one of the most fundamental aspects of our human life is knowing and also following what makes us happy and healthy being true to our self.

Often we are programmed early about the structure and rules we need to follow in order to generate income, to maintain income and to assure the flow of income in order to continue on with our lives.  Our parents often hand down these requirements, expectations, rules and roles and what they have learned in their lives in order to make this happen.  Yet sometimes, even when we try our best to follow their examples, mandates, approaches or belief systems, it doesn't always hold to the same successes or give us the same positive attitudes that happened for them.

This can cause frustration, irritation, anger or self doubt about our skills, abilities, education and experiences, which can affect how we feel about ourselves, life and others.  We can become bound up in a deeply unhealthy, unhappy loop of negativity, regret and dissatisfaction and ultimately form a dismal outcome, attitude and impact that may be difficult to shift and change. Maybe it turns into a deeply negative feeling of being caught up in the past.

In this extreme case, we can truly forget about our true worth and value and not be able to see past it.  Being too bound up in the past, doesn't allow positive views of one self or our current day or our current day' s experience of a True and Living Presence.

In order to see past this old idea of our self, and go past it, we must be able to unwind the bind we find ourselves in.  The past identifications, reactions and responses that may have first formed around money and our sense of self must be undone, especially if they have 'knotted' us up inside, preventing us from moving forward in more positive ways.

When we can let go of those old negative self images and free our selves to focus on our own health and happiness, as we also invite Spirit in to guide us, sincerely and lovingly, miracles can and will happen.  Why do they happen? They happen because we may 'knot' be truly following our right and perfect path that leads us to our purpose here.  We might be following something that is not or is no longer what is truly correct for us.  Consequently, it might not be allowing us to do our greater life's work.  When we are in that right and perfect flow for us, we will see our greater life's purpose and life will carry on beautifully.  

Our truer worth and value lies in sincerely, openly and Lovingly inviting in Spirit to guides us towards our greater truth.  We must let go of the past and be willing to move forward in greater and greater trust that our True Worth and Value will show itself as long as Spirit, when we're ready, can show us the way!  And the Way is Good!  


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