Thirteenth Poetry Post: Animals

GLOBAL GLORY – a lune series

Circle of life,
Brings us all back home,
To one place!

We cannot look,
Away from our true connection,
To all around!

In every breath,
We are not separate from,
The global glory!

Animals with wings,
Creatures tall and small crawl,
Yes, even snakes.

People in lands,
Far away from where we,
Stay in comfort!

Young and old,
Told they will never know,
Or see life!

Seasoned, worn politician!
Gathering all forms of religion!
Even wise shaman!

Beyond human boarders,
Including the sane, the ill,
Yes, even hoarders!

Wealthy, healthy, wise,
Moving, grooving, on the run,
Affect the whole!

In any degree,
On any continent or sea,
We’re one naturally!

Once we see,
No separation, you and me,
Embraced . . .

Global Glory!


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