Ninth Poetry Post: Shelter


Challenging herself against the wind,
She knew she’d face the next bend,

On a rough road or sea,
What would the next challenge be!

She’d take it,
Handle every bit!

Just for the chance to be free!

No cloud of doubt,
Would keep her without,

No raging river,
Would make her quiver,

Every mountain incline,
Would be climbed in time,

On all fronts, she’d deliver!

It could snow on her head,
She’d overcome every dread,

Life could pour all its rain,
Bring her every pain,

Toss her a twister,
She’d save herself and her sister!

She’d emerge a victor, not much of a strain!

But when life threw her one final curve,
It hit too sensitive a nerve,

It was too strong and a nasty pelt,
Striking hard with an unseen belt,

The warrior she was couldn’t stand,
She fell to her knees to understand,

It was then her heart knew how to melt!

She mumbled,

Her reply,
Caught her shy!

She had to remove her tough veneer,
Something stronger was made clear!

The force of Love itself she couldn't deny!

She stopped fighting and entered the shelter within,
Where her life could truly begin!

Laying down her sword,
No more could she afford,

To just run from the rage,
Time to turn the page,

Surrender an old tough chord!

Letting go she recovered her strength,
Going the total length,

Searching inside,
For a Love not to hide,

Reminding her of her truth,
Remembered in her youth!

A bigger Love to which we confide!

Transformed by this inner place,
She wears a smile on her face,

It invited her in as she pleased,
Once she fell upon her knees,

Now she knows the Love is always there,
Right in her heart is where,

Conscious of each breath, she enters it . . .

With ease!


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