
Showing posts from 2023

World View Perspective: Wholeness at our core

Beyond our ego, past our age old hurts, after releasing and clearing all old imbalances, there lies our inherent sense of wholeness!  Our own Yin/Yang, our own female/male and our own sense of light and dark!  It may take a clear depth of healing and difficult ‘shadow work’, as Carl Jung would suggest but it is there!  It contains our own conscious awareness of WHO WE ARE inside and outside us! We can access this True Self and let it shine!  It is made of sunshine because sunshine is energy ITSELF and SO ARE WE! The concept of separation is not Truth!  There is one large universe and beyond that we are connected to and a part of!  There are many names to this endless field of possibilities: God, Grace, Source, Spirit, Great Spirit, Buddha, Christ and it goes on from there!  In Essence, it is our own Light!  Recognizing, accepting, understanding and learning to listen to this Light can and will enhance your life on many varying levels!  It can...

World View Perspective: The Core of Our Sunlight

  We may have forgotten this but, at our core, we are made of sunlight!  The sun in our world never stops shining, never has to remember to shine and it shines no matter what.  This is also true at our core essence.  Our center within never stops shining either. Yes, life can momentarily cover up our sunlight with heavy thoughts, worrisome feelings, fear based thinking or troublesome anxiety but once we remember our core sunlight, that level of consciousness can push through whatever is blocking it! Our Core Light surrounds us, grounds us and guides us always towards greater and greater awareness, realization and consciousness as we go to and through life!  It is our Truth speaking to us from within!  We cannot help but be this LIGHT, we cannot be separate from it! The actual sun in our world shines right on to us and through us as us!  It is a strong and consistent force that helps us find our way!  Our inner, always present sunlight, shines righ...

World View Perspective: Releasing old hard feelings, leading with Heart

Old hard feelings stuffed away in our minds, emotions and/or physical bodies prevent our WHOLENESS from shining through! It blocks our ability to lead with Heart, which is our True Nature!  Leading with Heart awakens all the Hearts around us!  It energetically allows and invites the Heart to open, to speak and to communicate what LOVE actually is! LOVE, LIGHT AND LIFE come from SOURCE!  We all come from SOURCE and we return to SOURCE, too!  The Great Cosmic Soul is SOURCE!  It’s LOVE, LIGHT AND LIFE is abundance in the making!  We have simply forgotten this!  Our human mind and our five senses can keep us focused on all earthly pursuits, taking us away from what our Heart has to say!REMEMBERING TO LISTEN MATTERS! As we grow and develop, we learn what our parents know and we see how life is done, their way!  That is also often based on what their parents and grandparents taught them!  It is a foundation and active demonstration that helps us t...

World View Perspective: We are not the ‘knot’ of our story!

  Our life story to date contains many knots of old fear, negativity, stress, worry and concern, held in our physical bodies, in most cases!  Something from the past might trigger us and we suddenly ‘knot’ up!  If we have experienced trauma, this is particularly true!  What is occurring is the old fears are afraid of the old hurts coming up and reliving the past experience!  This is because we are still attached to our past story and those old identifications!  Learning how and choosing to come into current day is what assists us to clear away and release from those old ‘knotted’ up experiences!  This is fundamentally because we are NOT/KNOT our story!  We are not/knot the fears that keep the past negative narratives trapped in our physical bodies , emotional bodies, or our psychology that might well be affecting our own health and well being in this current time frame!  It will most likely remain trapped in our human systems until or unless ...

World View Perspective: Integrating into our true integrity

  When we think wholeness, we think balance, harmony, truth and integrity!  That we know where we stand and where our center is within us!  If our life has not provided that natural balance, we can begin the search for how to find it, achieve it, implement it and integrate it, adding to our self-awareness and consciousness! Maybe this happens over time,  Maybe we meet a teacher, perhaps it is a good and trusted friend or maybe we go back through the childhood and locate it there! No one is born with everything perfectly aligned, right from the start!  We learn, grow and develop within our families first and often their strengths and limitations show up in our life, or some version of it anyway!  Yet, each one of us can grow and outgrow where we have been to go towards where we’d like to be!  It takes courage, determination and awareness but it can be done!   Our bigger heart and soul may need us to go and grow in order for us to branch out to wher...

World View Perspective: Breaking down old walls of judgment

Judgement held onto or into our human system, acts like locks, blocks and shocks to our truthful integrity as a human being!  Over time, it can break us down, believing we are that instead of who we truly are! Judgement can start when we’re young children!  Our parents can transfer their judgment to us, consciously or unconsciously!  It might not be their intent or purpose but those judgments can impact us, effect us, have an affect on us and even infect us with negative patterning!  It is the negative patterning that does the damage over time!  When we have heard, seen or felt judgement towards us, it can hit our system in a way that we take that energy and stuff it into ourselves, choosing to hide it!  Not just from others but mainly from ourselves!  The incoming energy may have hurt us deeply, may have overwhelmed us in the moment or it may have even traumatized us!  Instead of taking this negative energy off of us right away, it can now be dee...

World View Perspective: Re-evaluating who we are!

Once our Light shines within our system, anything and/or any aspect of an old sense of self can be energetically re-evaluated!  Like cleaning out that old closet!  Everything can be discerned in terms of fitting us or defining us in the past or fitting who we currently are!  This is not just shifting and changing roles or rules but rather re-evaluating who we truly are on a different level, a deeper layer of our truth! Asking ourselves if we truly know who we are on the deeper Heart/Soul level!  Allow for a moment or two of Grace to illuminate a clear picture of yourself from the depths!  Choosing the most positive, illuminated perspective to shine back within you!  With that brighter potential, take the time to re-evaluate your truer, clearer, more illuminated Self!  As we hold that in Higher/Highest regard, we become that very image, with more of our Light, shining back!  Old self-images move on like clouds on a rainy day!  Just like dustin...

World View Perspective: Sometimes just a few letters will do

There are many complicated, complex notions, concepts, ideas, assumptions out there to figure out and accept our Light and the Grace that surrounds us!  It can feel overwhelming at times!  A more succinct way to frame it, see it, understand it is to think of these words that contain three simple letters, LOVE! Words that come to mind are: LOVE RESOLVE DISSOLVE EVOLVE ABSOLVE SOLVE AND MORE . . .  They also add meaning to why we need to seek the Light we carry, just by being here!  LOVE can easily clear away and clean away much of what gets in our way as human beings!!  When we openly, willingly, honestly Love the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energy, we open to that vast Love of SOURCE ITSELF!!  Our Inner/Outer Light can grow and expand as needed to embrace that Truth of us! Love is the strongest FORCE/SOURCE in the Universe and it is why we are here!  When we know we are that Love, we can use it to bring clarity and peace to your human system a...