World View Perspective: We are not the ‘knot’ of our story!

 Our life story to date contains many knots of old fear, negativity, stress, worry and concern, held in our physical bodies, in most cases!  Something from the past might trigger us and we suddenly ‘knot’ up!  If we have experienced trauma, this is particularly true!  What is occurring is the old fears are afraid of the old hurts coming up and reliving the past experience!  This is because we are still attached to our past story and those old identifications!  Learning how and choosing to come into current day is what assists us to clear away and release from those old ‘knotted’ up experiences!  This is fundamentally because we are NOT/KNOT our story!  We are not/knot the fears that keep the past negative narratives trapped in our physical bodies , emotional bodies, or our psychology that might well be affecting our own health and well being in this current time frame!  It will most likely remain trapped in our human systems until or unless we choose to actively, consciously remove or release it by recognizing WE ARE NOT THE KNOT!

Steven Spielberg, a famous US movie maker, recently said that, ‘when we are no longer afraid to tell our story, we can evolve as a person’!  So very correct!  Because telling our story out loud to those who have the compassion to listen, to understand and to love us anyway, (including ourselves), allows us to free our tight, tight hold to our attachment to the past! 

Yes, in childhood, we’d love our parents love, our family’s love, love of friends and as we grow and develop, also the love of a teacher, neighbors and a partner’s love, etc.  Yet life takes us on journeys; building our character, giving us opportunities to develop skill sets, abilities and to open our minds to new ideas, concepts and doorways to go through and grow through!  These experiences are the friction that polishes the rock!  We face them by applying all we’ve learned, earned and experienced!  Maybe they’re painful, perhaps enhancing, maybe very, very, difficult and yet, when we come out on the other side, we have grown and quite possibly, most likely evolved!

It is when we bring the lumps, bumps and humps with us that they begin to be our identifications, attachments and burdens because we have not let them or their story go!  We clutch onto our story as a means of protecting that part of us!  We don’t want anyone close to us to see those aspects, those hidden parts, those old parts of us that we might be ashamed of or actions we chose in the past that we want to lie about or deny that we ever did! Yet, ‘airing’ them out instead of ‘erroring’ them in allows for the rightful release!  WE ARE NOT THE KNOT OF OUR STORY BECAUSE WE ARE KNOT THE STORY!  We experienced the story, we went to and through our story, we’ve most likely shared our story of pain, gain, stain and strain but WE ARE KNOT THE STORY!

Who we are is our TRUE SELF, not the story of our attachment to the past!!!  Our True Self is the Self of the Soul, the ONE WHO KNOWS!  It is our current day SELF!

When we can breathe our own air, in and out, just feeling grateful for the past as we embrace WHO WE REALLY ARE NOW,  we can move mountains!  Forgiveness and Gratitude can be our constant companions as we heal from the past ‘KNOTS’, restoring our positive health and happiness once again!  We can learn to ‘lead with heart and compassion’ not/knot the stagnant old past of old wounds, anger, fear, excessive worry!  Because now, we can be our living, loving most positive Self!  

It is worth the time, dedication and effort to access the old knots to set them free!  To relax and release what no longer serves us and to bring our full TRUE SELF into current day!

What we have been through is how we have grown, shifted, changed and developed in order to ultimately be who we ultimately are!  And WHO WE ARE IS GREAT, LOVING AND WONDERFUL!  WE ARE THAT THAT IS!  We cannot be separate from that Great LOVE, LIGHT AND TRUTH THAT EXISTS THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE AND COSMIC ORDER!  WE ARE THAT AND THAT IS GOOD!!


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