World View Perspective: Integrating into our true integrity

 When we think wholeness, we think balance, harmony, truth and integrity!  That we know where we stand and where our center is within us!  If our life has not provided that natural balance, we can begin the search for how to find it, achieve it, implement it and integrate it, adding to our self-awareness and consciousness! Maybe this happens over time,  Maybe we meet a teacher, perhaps it is a good and trusted friend or maybe we go back through the childhood and locate it there!

No one is born with everything perfectly aligned, right from the start!  We learn, grow and develop within our families first and often their strengths and limitations show up in our life, or some version of it anyway!  Yet, each one of us can grow and outgrow where we have been to go towards where we’d like to be!  It takes courage, determination and awareness but it can be done!  

Our bigger heart and soul may need us to go and grow in order for us to branch out to where we can fill a bigger space!  Often, that happens after we have completed a phase of facing our short comings and begin to mid-course correct!  If we find the new skills we need and implement them into our existing skill set, opportunities will come to express and work with that new set of skills!  If embraced, this action will advance our current self-identification and self-awareness, facilitating more growth!

If, for example, our own integrity has been compromised, anywhere in our development, we can pick up that link, and do what we can to continue growing into current day!  It takes awareness, courage and determination but, if we think about integrating into wholeness, we see it is as well worth the effort.

We were born with our own integrity but sometimes, things we didn’t plan for can have such a negative impact on us.  In that case, our natural integrity is no longer functioning as it should! If we have established a useful, helpful and meaningful relationship with our natural higher light, that is when to use it for greater implementation and clarity!

Our own Inner Natural Light, certainly understands our wholeness and ultimate Grace! It sees how far we’ve come towards integrating with our own integrity or how inspired we are to embrace wholeness and resume our natural harmony and balance!  It is the aspect of us to help us the most to get there!  Our own Inner Light wants to collaborate with us at every level!  It was to see us integrate with our own integrity.

Fear, worries and resistance can all block our progress and our natural path forward!  Using our own Inner Light, and our positive intention, we will see, acknowledge and welcome a clearer path forward towards wholeness!  Wholeness is our natural state and, from there, we can see so many more things clearly!

Embrace your aspiration to seek WHOLENESS and follow your own path towards integrating with your own integrity!  Then you and your own LIGHT will shine!  


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