World View Perspective: Releasing old hard feelings, leading with Heart
Old hard feelings stuffed away in our minds, emotions and/or physical bodies prevent our WHOLENESS from shining through! It blocks our ability to lead with Heart, which is our True Nature! Leading with Heart awakens all the Hearts around us! It energetically allows and invites the Heart to open, to speak and to communicate what LOVE actually is!
LOVE, LIGHT AND LIFE come from SOURCE! We all come from SOURCE and we return to SOURCE, too! The Great Cosmic Soul is SOURCE! It’s LOVE, LIGHT AND LIFE is abundance in the making! We have simply forgotten this! Our human mind and our five senses can keep us focused on all earthly pursuits, taking us away from what our Heart has to say!REMEMBERING TO LISTEN MATTERS!
As we grow and develop, we learn what our parents know and we see how life is done, their way! That is also often based on what their parents and grandparents taught them! It is a foundation and active demonstration that helps us to build our lives! Until or unless, a deeper more spiritual perspective opens our minds and systems to a Higher Perspective! The human ego mind will scramble to control it but Higher Consciousness can continue to expand well beyond what our limited mind will tell us!
This intelligence is valuable and important for healing work, for greater understanding and to remember what LOVE actually is! LOVE IS REMEMBERING SOURCE AND HOW SOURCE IS ULTIMATELY WHO WE ARE ON THE HIGHEST LEVEL, WHICH IS LOVE MANIFESTING ALL THE TIME!
When we consciously unblock our blocked systems, especially old, hard, held onto feelings that could be released now through forgiveness and gratitude in current day, amazing LOVE can begin to grow and flow as it truly needs, too! OUR TRUE SELVES CAN USE THIS LOVE TO ENHANCE THE WORLD AROUND US, POSITIVELY TOUCHING AND AFFECTING EVERYTHING! We just have to make that conscious choice and allow the healing to come through and to us, knowing our TRUE CONNECTION TO SOURCE!
It is easy to stuff old stuck energy away into our human systems! It is largely an unconscious pursuit! As we become more aware and more conscious all the time, we can feel what needs to heal through conscious, active pursuit! Release is a giant tool to help us heal!
LOVE IS WORTH PURSUING ON THE HIGHEST LEVEL! Open those blocked areas now in your human system and allow that deeper LOVE, LIGHT AND TRUTH through! You, those around you and Earth itself need it! TRULY, SHINE ON!
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