
Showing posts from May, 2020

World View Perspective: Remembering who we are

We are BEINGS of INFINITE POSSIBILITIES AND POTENTIAL.  We are connected to a much greater field of existence.   When we are brought up within our families, we are taught and shown many, many things about life, love, survival and connection to family!  They are useful, needed, wanted, desired and necessary skills and experiences, whether they are painful, difficult, challenging, wonderful, loving or fulfilling! Our families are usually our first exposure to lessons and experiences regarding life. Yet, not all aspects of life we can possibly learn or want to learn are just found within our limited structured frame work of the past!  Often, it is relatively one dimensional thinking, feeling and an acceptable way of life, rich with needed and necessary skills, development and understanding but lacking visions and development of the bigger picture.  We learn about how our bodies function and what they need, we learn our names, our gender, our schooling, our...

World View Perspective: When the world is led through HEART

In changing times, when there is such a 'great pause' in our daily lives, it gives us a chance to view the world and ourselves in a new way.  How best to proceed when all we have counted on gives way.  How do we see ourselves and our lives when all is changing around us.  When our stability is threatened, our established ways are altering, our way forward is currently blocked, what do we now have to turn to? The first thing to realize is we must allow our self image to shift and change and give ourselves time to develop into a new self, ready to adapt to changes.  We need to do so gently and without judgement.  Digging down deep, we can accept changes of courage, boldness and access a deeper truth within us.  See it as a well that has been on our property that has now gone dry.  Do you dig down deeper to access water again?  Do you move your drilling site further out by your property line, do you borrow your neighbors's well or do you pull up yo...

World View Perspective: Freedom from fear

When fear settles into any part of us at any age and stage in our lives, it is useful to understand it, feel it and consider why it is there.  It is also useful to fish it out and begin each day with a new and renewed sense of self. To move through life with a certain degree of caution is wise but to carry forward with us a very old, outmoded, unnecessary amount of stagnant fear is to rob ourselves of a current 'now' presence. We cherish our lives, our existence, our connection to other people and the people we love.  So we fear the loss of what we know to be that.  Yet, in light of ongoing gratitude, a state of mind we can always welcome in, we can be present with all we love all the time, despite any and all fears that arise within us about the loss of what we cherish. Let go of all we fear to lose, as Yoda said in Star Wars.  It is through our attachments that we experience a great deal of fear!  We fear to lose what we have that fulfills us and makes u...