World View Perspective: Remembering who we are
We are BEINGS of INFINITE POSSIBILITIES AND POTENTIAL. We are connected to a much greater field of existence. When we are brought up within our families, we are taught and shown many, many things about life, love, survival and connection to family! They are useful, needed, wanted, desired and necessary skills and experiences, whether they are painful, difficult, challenging, wonderful, loving or fulfilling! Our families are usually our first exposure to lessons and experiences regarding life. Yet, not all aspects of life we can possibly learn or want to learn are just found within our limited structured frame work of the past! Often, it is relatively one dimensional thinking, feeling and an acceptable way of life, rich with needed and necessary skills, development and understanding but lacking visions and development of the bigger picture. We learn about how our bodies function and what they need, we learn our names, our gender, our schooling, our...