World View Perspective: The human vortex of need
When fear eats a way at us, pulling us deeper into a vortex of human need, we lose our inner way and instead look outwardly, holding onto anything that looks like it will hold us upright. We want to think we have found it in this and that, when in fact, that may not be the case at all. What we want to think about other people, what we want to think about ourselves and what we want to think about the bigger world can be a far cry from the Truth. When we are first programmed by our parents, we will strive to copy and emulate what they have showed us. We will align our loyalties with where they put theirs. We will copy what they think or thought or told us to think until life shows us we can no longer go down that road. It is quite the rude awakening to realize it or to wake up to our own realities, far from what were their realities. Remaining grateful for all they taught us, mirrored to us, guided us to see for ourselves or even showed us what not to do, hel...