
Showing posts from 2014

World View Perspective: Compassion for those who cannot release the past

A New Year is a refreshing new opportunity to let go and move on from old wounds, confusion, pain and heartache.  Practicing fresh new forgiveness, learning from past experiences and embracing a new self image is healthy and it promotes a greater sense of well being.  The Love inherently found in our Heart knows all we have been through and why.  It knows the impact others have had on our system throughout our lives.  Accessing the Love and Compassion in our Hearts and applying Love to the areas within us that still hurt, allows us, invites us to heal.  With this Loving intention, we feel uplifted and more aligned and attuned with Love itself.  We need not live in misery.  We need not live in fear.  We have experienced it in differing measures and perhaps identified with it but we are, in fact, not misery or fear itself.  Attachment to fear and misery keep us bound to the past.  Just like we change our clothes, wash them and pu...

World View Perspective: Compassion sees through the veils of pretense

Human beings are quite skilled at hiding, pretending and masking emotions, feelings, thoughts, reactions and behaviors that might make them unfavorable in the eyes of others.  It helps to preserve the areas where they feel most vulnerable, afraid, susceptible or fragile.  When we access compassion through the awareness of a higher Love found in our highest Heart, there is no further need to cover up our perceived areas of weakness.  The true Force of Love streams right into our consciousness and it clears away all the confusion and removes our locks and blocks until all we know is the Love we are within.  It brings us into the now moment where healing, balance and harmony is able to grow, develop and expand.  Where we 'knot' up with a sense of falsehood, compassion unties that 'knot' and sets us free.  Pain belong to the past and it should be released back to the past for us to get past it.  Compassion reminds us of the Love that surrounds us...

World View Perspective: Compassion with courage can change the world.

When compassion becomes action along with courage, people, projects and purpose can change the world.  It becomes a force for positive change in the world.  True heart felt compassion and courage are both deep Love in action.  To become empowered, we need to access the powers of compassion, action and courage in order to bring about positive results.  Standing for what is in our Heart of hearts brings justice, balance, peace and correct action for many who would otherwise remain silent.  Uprisings for greater change must be fueled by true intent to make right what has been imbalanced or societies will not progress and human beings cannot continue to evolve, shift and change.  The world stage is currently going through many processes of change.  Old structures are breaking down so a greater fairness and balance can come.  Those wanting to maintain a solid structure will and do fight to keep what has previously been their domain.  It takes shee...

World View Perspective: Compassion is without judgment

To consciously surrender self judgment and judgment towards others, allows our high Heart to open to compassion.  When we are experiencing Compassion towards our self and others, judgment is absent.  Judgment is a negative and constricted view and perspective which effectively locks and blocks us in.  Loving, active Compassion flows freely without restriction and fills us with joy, truth and Love.  It unites us with Source instead of preventing us from feeling the Oneness of life.  When we think or feel as if we are separate from the Source of Infinite Love, then negativity, judgment and falsehood can derail us from our greater truth, Love and Compassion.  Consequently, we get pulled into a closed minded perspective and evolving or progressing further is inhibited.  Compassion opens the Heart and expands our perspective, inviting, enabling and allowing a greater connection and experience of Source.  In that state, we know nothing is really se...

World View Perspective: The evolution of Compassion

The world is beginning to alter old perceptions and perspectives in the wake of an evolving consciousness of Compassion.  Old stuck structures are giving way to a newly evolving acceptance of those who have been repressed, oppressed, depressed and suppressed in our societies.  It is revealing itself across the board.  It can be seen as conflicts arising, dark secrets coming to light or areas finally opening to scrutiny in order to cleanse, clear, refresh and renew because clearly truthful change is needed.  In this effort, many things will finally be released that are no longer needed or useful so something much better and bigger can come.  Our collective opening in the Heart is the sign Compassion is finally coming in as a means to live our lives in ways that are more positive, balanced and harmonious for our own self, system and others that surround us.  Self Compassion, Compassion for others we know, for those we don't know, Compassion for earth and Comp...

World View Perspective: Compassion is the Heart's Understanding

When Compassion is activated in us, it is knowledge in the Heart that opens.  Compassion reveals to us our humanity along with our inner connection to the bigger picture.  In a snapshot, we can feel the depth of Love for our self and all we have experienced and the same deep heart-felt response towards others.  This Love is truth through the Heart.  It shows us we are not separate from the force of Love itself.  The truth of Love is dynamic as it is present.  Pure Love cuts through any and all barriers that have false origins.  It is like a lightening strike against a darkened sky, in a flash, all is revealed that the clouds hoped to hide.  When the flashes of Compassion come, all is illuminated because in those moments, the light of Love is present.  Ego may feel real to us but, in fact, that isn't who we really are.  Our Light goes much further and much higher than our ego and the limitations of the ego.  When we only id...

World View Perspective: Compassionate Joy

When compassion touches our Heart and spreads to another, joy is evident.  Joy moves the soul into positive action.  Like a song makes us want to dance, the feeling of compassion makes us happy to be alive and able to feel the force of positivity.  Compassionate Joy is saying to our human system being alive is a continuing gift from life itself.  It is a true heart-felt expression of genuine care, depth and understanding.  Joy is an active release of Loving Compassion.  Try it for yourself.  Feel as much open Hearted Joy within yourself, let it spread to all parts of yourself; mental, emotional, physical and into the past 'you'.  Feel the power and energy of the Compassionate Joy as it moves your Heart to accept life right now.  Smile, dance, open up to Joy as a living energy and transformational vibration into a continued happiness.  Our system receives so much daily negativity and it can hold and contain any old hurts, pains ...

World View Perspective: Understanding energy through discernment

Accessing the Heart's intelligence, allows us to experience a subtle energy field of intuitive feeling.  As we practice this experience of feeling what aligns with the Heart and what doesn't align, we also realize that we can change the energy we recognize is not who we are inside.  If a fly lands on our arm and we don't want it there, we swat at it and cause it to leave the area.  We have signaled that we don't want it there.  Consequently, it leaves.  If we walk between two people arguing, we can attune to the energy between them. We feel the negative exchange.  We can consciously shift, change and clear our energy field to remove and release their energy because we are aware it doesn't resonate as us.  As this art of clearing is practiced more and more, we become more sensitive and aware of subtle energies.  We also learn to discern our own energy and when it is impacted by others.  Paying attention, we also see how our energy ha...

World View Perspective: Compassion as a three-way river

If we consider a relationship with Infinite Love, to and through our system into earth, touching all living things as a source of healing, Loving transformation, Compassion is the path to take.  Compassion links us to our humanity, to all living things, to earth itself and it says 'YES' to the universe.  It is like a three-way river of conscious Love, making us aware of how deeply connected we all are in truth.  Separation does not exist when we are attuned to compassion.  Compassion is not a thought, it is a deep and profound feeling found in the High Heart.  It enables us to be conduits allowing freedom of movement with Compassion as the Source and Force for transformational change.  It works in our system to activate unity, understanding and goodness as it frees up stuck, old, immovable energy, carrying it forward and releasing it. Picture a drain in your kitchen that is clogged with old stuck parts of matter; grease, dirt, eggshells and tops o...

World View Perspective: Compassion for believing we are just the mind and body

It has been said that we only use 5% of our brain.  If that is true and we are identified and attached to just our mind and the body mind we are in, then perhaps we are not using all our intelligence or broader capabilities.  If everything is energy and if we use spiritual applications that assume we are also connected to our spirit, we can recognize and realize that the energy of spirit, of Source, of deeper Heart and soul are also facilities we can develop and utilize for greater and expanded good.  See it like a guitar with multiple strings designed to harmonize all the way out into the universal and cosmic realms as well as our human form and the earth.  As the guitar is played, different vibrations of sound and energy go further out and deeper within.  If we don't know the various strings are available and come with the guitar, we won't realize how profoundly we can play it.  Compassion takes us beyond the realm of just the mind and body to the In...

World View Perspective: Fear loses its grip through Compassion

When fear grips our system, holding it too tight, Compassion is the force that allows it, invites it to let go.  Fear is so often not real.  Some have said it stands for False Evidence Appearing Real: FEAR.  Fear contracts our system because of our response to it.  Compassion opens our system to Love, Faith, Trust and Peace, all of which expand us.  We grow in Consciousness through Compassion and we pull back from life through the grip of fear.  Fear assumes the worse, Compassion supplies the best.  Love wants us to expand our perspective through Love, fear wants to control us through fear.  If our human system represents structure that houses our spirit; our relationship to Source, the fear is housed in our body because fear lives in the system.  Source and spirit, Love itself, is also all around us and also within us.  By opening our heart to and through Compassion and consciously applying it to our fear in the body, fear cannot stay s...

Dissolving misery through Compassion

Like a mother's tears can dissolve a child's pain and misery after a fall, compassion dissolves any human misery we carry.  It isn't just through recognizing it, realizing it or wanting the misery to go.  It is something deeper.  The compassion shows us who we are and not just what happened to us.  We can have compassion just for our own confusion about who we are and who we aren't.  The more compassion we apply, the more we surrender the misery and fill with more Love, acceptance and understanding, which clears the way.  Much of our human misery comes from holding onto the past and believing we are that.  Instead of the perspective that we are more about the energy of Love and Compassion, accessible right now.  Unresolved and trapped energy in our bodies and minds acts like locks and blocks to our greater consciousness, awareness and true heart felt compassion.  To move that old energy out and through, the energy of compassion is a...

World View Perspective: Compassion for the human experience

Honoring and respecting all aspects of the human experience, along with the gift of discernment, compassion is the best application to uplift the entire experience.  Gratitude and forgiveness are useful, positive and inspiring energies that accentuate our compassion.  Love itself has great Compassion for us.  Love itself as a Universal, Cosmic force understands the human experience and behaviors, as well as the pain, struggle and misery we all experience.  When we consciously, actively open our hearts to that higher level of Love and acceptance, along with discernment, we realize that it is through the Heart; it's Love, understanding and compassion, all other human experiences, in terms of any withheld negativity, are released.  Compassion wants us to surrender any misery to it so we can instead, fill with self-compassion until full, spilling out onto the whole of life.  A heart full of Love and Compassion vibrates that joy effortlessly to ot...

World View Perspective: Misplaced compassion

Everything is energy, including compassion.  To open our High Heart and experience compassion, to our self and towards others, Love flows unhindered towards the objects of our heart felt compassion.  Like waves on a lake surround an island as it laps it with an almost Loving embrace, allowing and inviting it to shift, change and transform through positive effort and intention.  However, if there is a poison released from the island, it would soon poison the lake.  In that case, the wisest thing for the water to do would be to pull back and direct the fluid energy in a new direction.  Perhaps towards a more open, worthy and receptive place, willing to receive the positive effort of the compassion.  Sometimes, the signal comes that more compassion is the answer.  The more the resistance, the more the compassion.  Yet, if the giver of compassion is becoming drained, strained or pained, it is appropriate and timely to stand fu...

World View Perspective: Clarity with Compassion

Compassion awakens our deepest understanding of human nature.  It flows through us like a shimmering stream in nature, paving the way for clarity and a more profound connection to the greater whole of life.  It makes clear what has blocked or locked the system or what has been impacted by negative thoughts and feelings throughout time.  Compassion brings us the clear picture of what happened and how our reactions and responses may have created even more difficulties for ourselves and others.  As we use the pure Heart energy of Compassion to go back through the past actions of others and our self, we begin to see how unconscious human nature can be and how it effects us all. Yet, even in the unconsciousness, it lights the way for more and more open and positive development and growth seen through the eyes of Compassion.  It awakens us to all positive possibilities.  At the very core of us and life is Love as a constant force of positive, pure and e...

World View Perspective: Applying Compassion to the past

Experiences and lessons from the past often cloud our vision and ideas of who we are in the present and even influence the future of our lives.  They pass through our minds like clouds in the sky and when they grab our attention and become real, it can feel as if they are still 'holding court' within us.  When we apply heart-felt Compassion for past experiences that allowed us to let go, move forward, grow and mature, we should be grateful and let the past go back to where it should be.  Let it be an experience we had before and not something we continue having.  In this way forgiveness and gratitude for our past becomes our way of life as we open our mind and heart to more Compassion for all of our life experiences.  Compassion fills our system with Love and acceptance as we release from the past attachments to the learning and growth that took place.  Like a seed that first starts in a hardened shell.  As it grows and develop...

World View Perspective: Compassion for the unconscious

All of life is a growing and expanding learning experience.  Throughout our various ages and stages development, both human and spiritual, we shift and change in order to grow and learn more about who we are and who we aren't.  As we go through a variety of cycles, we awaken and realize that previous choices were maybe not the most positive, useful or life enhancing as others for our greater health, balance and happiness.  Once we realize this, we seek to actively make positive choices through surrendering the previous selections and working towards what is much more inspiring for our overall well being.  It gets easier then to throw away that part of our self in negative ways instead of having compassion for all our efforts, even while we were unconscious in our choices.  When we have compassion for our old choices, no matter what it yielded or what the results were, we stand in a much healthier, happier, accepting place than if we 'turn against' our self ...

World View Perspective: Allowing Compassion in

Our human system is comprised of many different layers and levels of awareness.  When we consciously open our Heart to accept Compassion for ourselves, that transforming Love can enter and 'shine' into all parts of our life, system, our past and any previously blocked areas. Love as a Source and Force for healing, balance and harmony, unlocks places of fear that have kept us from realizing and recognizing who we are within.  Life can be a bumpy ride and our system can take many hits.  The Highest Love understands this and frees up those burdens and blockages.  See it like a stream full or rocks.  With a steady and constant stream of water (consciousness of Compassion), the flow moves freely over and around those burdens until, over time, the sharp edges are worn smooth and become flexible, eventually giving way to the softness of fluidity.  Compassion, once allowed in and welcomed moves about freely releasing any and all negativity ...

World View Perspective: Healing sadness through Compassion

Of all the human emotions and systematic human experiences we can feel, sadness is a very difficult and heavy energy on our system and in our life.  Instead of discerning we are not the actual sadness we carry versus being aware that something in our system is sad, we can easily identify with it as if it is who we are in truth.  In truth, we are the awareness that we are not the actual sadness.  Our true intelligence is awareness and consciousness, which allows us to witness our system rather than identify, react, respond or attach to how our system is feeling.  If a wound has occurred in the past, we can still feel it as if it just happened.  Our personal emotional levels of human awareness and experience do not know time and therefore, cannot discern the wound happened in the past.  By recognizing and realizing a wound in our system or life exists and by consciously surrendering it to the true Heart's Compassion, found in the Heart of Hearts...

World View Perspective: Intelligent compassion

Often in society, human aspects of 'feeling' are considered weak, unnecessary or not useful.  It can make us feel too vulnerable, too open, too sensitive and too susceptible to being hurt or taken advantage of in day to day life with others.  Yet, true compassion is an intelligent Heart experience of deeper understanding and conscious awareness.  It comes from a higher awareness perspective; the truth about our common wholeness and human experience.  As an old adage once stated so succinctly, "I once cried that I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet."  Author unknown. Intelligent compassion is a living grace that enables us to Love unconditionally all aspects of life through the deeper understanding that all of life is necessary, ultimately for further soul growth, and to open us to a more Loving perspective found in our High Heart.  The same intelligent compassion also opens us to any locks or blocks in our system where we a...

World View Perspective: Compassion for our lowest sense of worth

When we have experienced our lowest sense of self worth, that is the time to open our highest Heart to receive our inner strength of compassion and understanding. Just like a child, after having a difficult day at a school, comes home angry, stressed, disappointed and hurt and they turn to their mother for comfort and reassurance.  Through the depth of our own Heart comes the very Love we seek that allows us, invites us to let go and to heal.  In the human system there is a great capacity to feel such despair and to reach such compassion.  As we aspire higher and higher to grow and expand our understanding about life and Love, more of our Heart opens. It can flood us with the very Love we seek to bring comfort through the vast understanding that is inherent in the Heart as a source of endless compassion. Union with the Love that is not separate from us is a source of Joy and fulfillment.  When we can experience the Love we each are and Love that Love fully,...

World View Perspective: The Consciousness of Compassion

The consciousness of compassion is a dynamic force.  If a mother sees her child is about to be hit by a car, she doesn't gently stroll out into the street to prevent the accident, she jumps in and takes immediate action.  The consciousness of compassion can come to and through our system in, at least, four distinct ways.  One way is Loving, gentle and kind with a true heart's understanding and with sweet support.  Secondly, it can strike hard and fast like lightening in the moment it is needed to break open what has been hardened, closed and false. Thirdly, the consciousness of the compassion can stand strong and clear and just bring the truth forward into the situation.  Lastly, the consciousness can simply do what has to be done to bring balance, harmony and peace through the simplest of day to day actions and tasks.  What is clear is the pure intention of compassion.  To bring resolve through Love and to clear the fear.  Love is more power...

World View Perspective: Compassionate Collaborators

If we imagine our open Heart connected to Compassion as a pathway all the way up to the highest Love possible and down through our entire human system into earth, all the animals and all of mankind, a joy spreads quickly through us reflecting a deep gratitude for the wholeness of life.  When we can open our Heart in such a way, we become active conscious Compassionate Collaborators with Love itself.  Our human system becomes a conduit for positive energy to flow and touch every part of life, enabling peace and joy as energy, having a positive, healthy and happy impact on our system, others in our life and our environment, enhancing our life.  Everything is energy and when we consciously actively make it positive energy, everything resonates with that same energy.  To awaken and enliven life and our system, Love is the constant to seek.  The purity of faith in the force of Love itself enables everything to fall into place at the right time in the r...

World View Perspective: Compassion clears our unconsciousness

Compassion for our self is the deeper Loving respect and clearing energy that can awaken our self to our Self, especially when we are deeply confused and misunderstanding an occurrence or situation. With a sincere aspiration to know what we cannot see, fathom or comprehend, Compassion is a Loving, positive force that gently guides us to our own discoveries that enable our continued growth and expansion.  Through Love, we can awaken and begin releasing what has caused the confusing experience and show us the clear and positive steps to take to restore inner balance and harmony, pushing out what was not previously understood.  Like an onion, this awareness peels us back until the core of clarity reveals itself as we aspire to know and understand through clear realization.  As the Living, conscious Grace, which is Compassion in motion, operates in our system, always purifying, removing and taking out what has blocked our awareness, we will grow!  This up...

World View Perspective: The True Purpose of Heart

The pure knowingness found in our Heart is our true link to Love itself as a force for positive healing, positive health and change.  The many dimensions of the Heart knows the depth and breath of a higher Truth and our entire journey.  The Love within our Heart is wise, constant and filled with Compassion as we are guided to deeply understand the reason for all that has transpired in our life.  On the soul's journey, we go through so many experiences, sensations and lessons that guide us towards our physical, emotional, mental and psychological development as we grow and mature.  Spiritually we can also grow and expand along with our greater consciousness and keen awareness as we begin to discern who we are and who we aren't while aspiring to know the truth and the purpose to our lives.  We go through many roles and rules on our path to enlightened understanding and we find, just like outgrowing old clothes, the day comes when letting go is neces...

World View Perspective: Compassion as action for change

The energy of compassion in an open Heart becomes a living, Loving Grace.  It comes to clear the mind, body and emotions of all that we have lived with and been identified with throughout our lifetime.  The opening of our compassion to the higher Compassion is our two way channel to the Highest Love there is.  It allows us the clarity, communication and healing we all seek and know can happen in experiential ways.  It is a dynamic force for positive change.  It opens us to a greater and greater truth, where we can see beyond and above all the pain and misery.  It is through the High Heart that we can feel and heal what is real.  We truly connect to all that is sacred from all that has been scared.  It is the human link to the Pure Love itself and working with it, through our pure aspiration to do so, invites it in to bathe us in the full glory of that healing force of Love itself.  It is the gift of Love's unity that ...

World View Perspective: The Coming of Compassion

When the 'raw' emotions of unresolved fears threaten to divide and conquer us all, it becomes a 'war' like state of mind.  When we are divided within ourselves, one aspect of our self tears at the other.  Sometimes it is experienced as mind versus heart because, at times, our mind has one agenda and our heart has another.  In terms of survival, often the mind in the human body wins out against the wisdom of the Heart.  As the energies of anger, fear, greed and control are beginning to threaten so many people world wide, with even nature wrecking havoc, the most positive perspective to have and maintain is the opening to true faith in the coming of Compassion.  When our high Heart can open to a truthful understanding of the human situation versus the power of our sense of being separate from others, which creates so much strife, and realize instead that it is through the Heart that we are all truly connected and it is because of Love that we are here, then the wo...

World View Perspective: Real feeling is real healing

When we tune into how we really feel, we can discover that we don't really feel so positive in our mind, body or emotional, psychological nature.  Some aspect of our experienced self is out of sorts, balance or harmony.  If we open our high Heart and higher mind, we can feel a stronger Love that can open and cleanse what has grown stagnant and old within our human structure.  Our higher Heart is aligned and attuned to the force and source of Love itself.  It is a real feeling that allows for a true healing, a rebalance of who are aspiring to be, which is a higher aspect of our current experience. This higher source is found in the depth of our Heat Soul Self and the realization of it enables us to heal our own system and continuously shift it, change it and heal it through rebalancing our energies with much higher and purer energies.  It is a real feeling experiencing this healing and consequently to continue evolving and expanding ...

World View Perspective: Shifting our emotional sense of self

It may seem easy to Love our self and be able to forgive our self and others.  Certainly the more we practice it, the more we feel the ease of letting go of any ill will we may have harbored.  Yet, what if we were consciously able to have a sense of inviting Infinite Love into our emotional nature so our self Love reflects the Infinite Love?  Just imagine that experience!  Now we are free of any old emotional responses and reactions from any time in our life until now.  All is forgiven, all is understood, all is clear on our side and theirs, just how would we feel, truly feel?  With that depth and breath of release, would we not know Peace, Love and Compassion in one heart beat that could last the rest of our life?  If our mind and Heart could open to feel and receive Infinite Love along with Trust and Faith in the Love itself, Love itself could fill that very space and place where old stuck negative thoughts and feelings have been.  It is like a ...

World View Perspective: Using Love to refresh our soul

Love is a universal, cosmic force of purity, truth and Goodness.  It fills us with Compassion and Grace.  It adds to our well being and after we are fill, it flows to all of those around us.  After we have been stuck in our system and our life for some time, our soul may need some refreshing.  Our consciousness may need to be rebooted.  When we aspire to know who we really are, as we consciously open our Heart to greater and greater depths, that Love as a force can come to and through our system and flood and flush us with a healing power that only our highest Love can do.  Our cells are thirsty for awareness and the realization that we, too, are energy and Light.  The dull, heaviness that has clouded our awareness and human system weighs us down disabling us from seeing and understanding our clearer vision and purpose.  When we consciously, actively seek Love to come and show us the way, opening our Heart to both give and receive, we collaborate ...

World View Perspective: With an open Heart

With an open Heart, we see and know we are not separate.  Life, earth, our self, other people and even our breath is part of a whole that is awareness itself.  We Love without condition and every cell in our bodies opens to all that is possible.  It may be just felt or experienced in a quick passing of time but when it is, we know we are completely present and it is all an act of Grace.  Any blocks or locks in our system are just waiting to be opened, cleansed and healed of whatever debris has not been resolved.  It is through the Heart that all of life is understood, welcomed and known because it is through the Heart that compassion is born.  Compassion is a Loving Grace that enables acceptance, deepens hope and brings an instant new attunement through the healing.  When we know compassion for our self, we can know it for all of mankind.  With the presence of Love there is the presence of Peace and in that stillness, all things align in...

World View Perspective: Undoing the knot

When we allow the Light we are into the knot we aren't, the knot begins to unravel to allow in, invite in who we are!  Just like when old clothes no longer fit who we have become, we must open up our closets and clear the space.  As we let go of who we aren't, who we are now has the space and place to fill it.  The True Self brings clarity, purpose and a clearer intention as it unites us with the bigger truth of who we are. Our physical body contains intelligence, too, and when we can hear it we can also release the knots within it we have been carrying around and identifying with, consciously or unconsciously.  To lighten our density guides us closer to our destiny.  Consciously bringing Light into our own darkness, lifts up our entire life experience.  See it like a coal miner's light.  With it, he can see through the darkness and, therefore, brighten his path.  We are surrounded by the same Infinite Light that we are within.  This consciou...

World View Perspective: When light enters darkness

When a room has not been 'enlightened' for a long time, the musty, rusty effects can distort the brilliance of the Light itself until it slowly adjusts itself.  When we have had a closed heart, mind and emotional aspect in our system for too long, as illumination enters from our own Heart's Compassion of Love and Understanding, the result can be an explosion of energy and a breaking down of walls.  Hardness results in our system when something makes us consciously or otherwise, shut down a part of ourselves in an effort to protect what appears too sensitive. That shield of armor, while effective, can trap us in our physical bodies and hold us back from who we really are.  Down the road this hardness can effect our health and well being.  Trusting the Light and Love that naturally surrounds us and is within us allows us to soften and allow that Love to permeate through our whole system.  As we do this through true and sincere aspiration, that Light will begi...

World View Perspective: Release for Peace

Just like a stagnant pond, our unconscious system can harbor negative thoughts and feelings over time that become toxic.  They continue to get stirred up by repetitive patterns of thoughts, reactions and behaviors.  Our human tendency is to hold on tighter to these toxic responses and to hide and deny them, which only enables them to fester and grow.  These toxicities can affect our health in negative ways until or unless we realize we can release them through healthier and happier ways to let them go.  The most effective way to let them go is through a shift in focus to gratitude and forgiveness for the experience and awareness of them, the understanding as to why they are there and being conscious of the growth that occurred when the experience is over.  To foster them would be like remembering the pain of a broken arm when we were ten years old that has since healed and returned to positive functioning.  We are not our thoughts and feelings. In truth, th...

World View Perspective: Our Heart's Compassion

All the Love we seek is already in our Heart.  The understanding we seek is also within us.  Inner guidance is there to lead the way.  Any and all pain we carry or are attached to can be surrendered to our own Heart's Compassion. There is an intelligence there that understands all we have been through and it has a depth of Compassion to release the pain and ease our system from the strong hold of misery. We just have to aspire to know it with all our Heart. We have to trust we can feel and experience it. We have to have faith in the intelligence of our Heart as it brings the intelligence through our awareness. Everything is energy and when we seek to know Peace in our system, we must be prepared to let go of that that doesn't bring us peace.  We lived it, we learned from it and we can be forever grateful for it as we gently and sincerely release it from our system.  As we sincerely let go, and aspire to consciously bring in more Love, Understanding and Compassio...

World View Perspective: Two Aspects of Self

In simplified terms, we have two distinct aspects of Self that are present in our system.  One is a lower aspect of our self, which is considered our lower nature. When we think about the conditioning and programming that our parents and early life gave us, it all appeals to our lower nature.  We develop a sense of our selves based on the development of our lower nature, which is primarily our senses.  Initially, how we think, feel and respond to the environment that surrounds us and the people we interact with on a day to day basis all comes from the prompts and pulses of the lower nature. We grow through our ages and stages with this lower nature running our lives until or unless we awaken to our higher nature. Our Higher nature has a broader expanse and understanding of life than the lower nature and it extends to levels and layers beyond our limited sense of self.  The aspiration of the soul to access a greater and deeper understanding of our self, of life and of...

World View Perspective: When we stand for our Heart

When we stand for our Heart, we have a courage that gives us strength.  We are being true to who we are inside.  It won't necessarily be gentle, it won't necessarily be easy and it won't necessarily mean we will be light hearted as we stand.  Yet, we will feel it in our physical body because we will be determined and clear.  When some people think of 'heart based people' they think it means the person is weak.  Too emotional to be strong.  This is not the case, to know our own Heart takes incredible courage, dedication and perseverance.  It means we know who we really are and consequently, we can stand strong for that, even if we aren't speaking.  We are standing for our own inner conviction and purpose.  It brings forth a trust and a faith that aligns us with our greater truth. That truth is our courage.  As we become familiar with who we are and our stand for who we are, we will realize when we don't feel that strength.  When...

World View Perspective: The voice of truth

Our high Heart speaks gently to our own heart and offers Loving guidance to truth and peace in our system.  Contemplation and meditation are practices that enable us to access our 'voice' within.  Sitting quietly in nature does too.  Our Heart knows the truth and, through compassion, it understands our own human nature and the nature of others.  In order to speak it in ways that others can hear, we have to speak through our third chakra, which is our personal power seat.  It is above the navel.  If this personal power chakra is closed, disabled or out of balance, we cannot bring our True Voice forward.  Emotional depression, suppression, oppression and repression are some of the factors that can prevent people from 'owning' their own power in terms of speaking their truth.  Fear is another block that prevents us from speaking our truth.  This fear can be surrendered to our higher power when we sincerely offer it up to our highest and highest ...

World View Perspective: Faith in plenty

Fear in lack is crippling and if the fear in our system grows and develops in our unconscious awareness, it can grow to bigger and bigger proportions.  The falsehood of lack can seem insurmountable, coloring our judgment and appreciation.  When we surrender the fear to faith either in our day to day life or in our self, our family or our relationships, we can feel it being lifted off our shoulders and taken away.  When we sincerely ask to have the burdens lifted, a higher strength, a stronger force can release the heaviness we have been carrying.  Our greatest desire is to survive so our greatest fear is that we won't survive.  If we fear we might not survive, we can become 'knotted' up in fear.  This 'knot' makes us cling to anything or anyone we think might help us rest assured we will survive.  The object or person that we cling to may not be a wise choice and when we work to become more and more conscious, we can experience what does...

World View Perspective: When we accept our physical bodies

Learning how to forgive ourselves in terms of our physical bodies is not an easy task.  Anywhere in our system, we can be holding onto rage, frustration, old stuck negative feelings and under-developed stuck in the past thoughts that no longer serve us.  Our unconscious and sub-conscious store energy just like our more conscious aspects.  The key is the open and Loving willingness to go through our system much like a miner goes down into earth to find coal or other treasures.  Take the Light you carry with you and have the courage to honestly look.  When we find old blocks to our greater positive sense of self, surrendering up those no longer needed memories or experiences to a higher aspect of our self will release what is old and worn out.  Joy, inspiration and fresh energy can replace what is released, enabling us to feel free and Loving once again. Love is our natural state of being and the more we let go of what in us is not (knot) Loving, the more Lov...

World View Perspective: Our human system carries light

With challenging circumstances and day to day difficulties, it is easy to forgot our human system carries Light.  It is easy to feel the limitations, confusions and discomfort as we seek survival, comfort and consistency.  Yet within us and as us, there is also Light.  The Light is our expanded Self and it is with us always. This Light expands with inspiration, aspiration, positive thinking and warm sincere and Loving thoughts.  It grows as we seek Union with something bigger than our selves.  Cosmic and Universal Love also vibrate with this Light and it carries us all forward.  This is the physics of being human and in the big picture it is how we can open our mind and our heart and embrace more of what life is about, in truth, as we live our lives.  The vibration in our physical body reflects our Light too.  If we have any addictions that weigh us down or dim our Light, it can affect how we feel and we how embrace the Light in our body.  So...

World View Perspective: When we Love our self inside and out

When we can surrender any negative ideas about our self and instead Love our selves completely from the inside out, remarkable changes occur.  We align our self with our True Self that Loves us unconditionally.  This sets in motion a process of change that allows us to let go and let in a Higher Power to clear out the old, replacing the new to re-establish a Higher Vibration of Love within our human system.  If we can begin to imagine a beautiful and vast Infinite Source of Pure Love and Faith that we are not separate from and all it wants is for us to become ourselves by simply surrendering to Love, which is our truest nature.  Once union with Love becomes a strong and worthy aspiration in us, Love itself can work wonders in terms of positive transformation and change.  We must be willing to consciously, actively let go of any and all negativity we have stored and held on to and instead embrace the True sense of our highest Self.  Joy is then restored as i...

World View Perspective: We are not the 'knots"

Our human system knots up with knots when our unconscious or subconscious remembers being told or shown we are not something.  We can knot up in fear, worry or anxiety if something in our memory is triggered in negative ways.  Fear makes us contract and Love allows us to expand.  When we knot up with 'nots' we feel like we are the limitations and confinements of knots.  The reaction/response in our system is to pull away, go quiet, let go and/or take our energy away.  Sure signs that fear has entered our consciousness and we fear we are becoming not worthy, not happy, not included, not wanted or not desired to name a few emotional, psychological experiences.  Most parents teach us right from wrong and they also show us who we are in their minds and who we are not.  The 'nots' can make us feel badly and our system can hold onto that feeling for a long, long time until or unless we can honestly and fully let it go.  When we can consciously...

World View Perspective: Our True Self Knows

Our True Self is the one that knows.  What does it know?  It knows who we are versus who we aren't.  We are taught certain rules and roles to play and how to perform and conform to the norm for human life which is positive and useful.  Yet behind it all, also guiding us and sending us messages is our True Self.  Our ages and stages of human growth and development are important as we grow up and then independently put them into practice through our own understanding of our physical, emotional, psychological and intellectual self.  We learn how to think in structured ways and how to experience the process of living as well. When our maturity takes us towards the more spiritual perspective, for example accessed through the practices of meditation and contemplation, we begin the have a sense of a living presence of Self.  This Self is the true witness and it is present now.  It lives in the current moment.  In the present moment it is awareness a...

Haikus to Hearing the Heart

Hearing the Heart Haikus A whisper came in Now turn left do not go right Car crash other way Go wake sleeping child Important warning to hear Window breaking soon Speed up decision  Trust what your heart says is true It can see far more Yes, hear your mind think Yet know that inner feeling When truth speaks within Must stay home to hear The phone call coming in soon My heart is needed

World View Perspective: Not wise to go against our Heart

When we go against our Heart of hearts, we can suffer a great deal!  Our Heart of hearts contains a deep truth about how to live our lives.  Love in the purest form is a positive Force and Source of all of life.  Love as a Source of life can be trusted.  Our Heart of hearts knows this.  Faith is often our deepest Love.  No matter how confusing, how threatening or how frightening life is, listen to your Heart of hearts and trust that guidance and your inner voice of Love.  In this way, we stay true to our truest self and true to the Love we carry in our purest Heart.  The inner intelligence of what is correct will not lead us astray.  It is wise to trust your true Heart of hearts.

World View Perspective: When we know our Heart

Whether through contemplation or meditation, when we know our own Heart of hearts, we can surrender any and all hard old feelings and thoughts to it. As we release from the old negativity, we bring balance, harmony and peace into our system.  Our High Heart is compassionate and we can access the Love and understanding through opening that Higher aspect of our Heart to Love itself. We can feel what it feels like to open our hearts to trusting Love completely. Through our High Heart we know and feel the experience of no separation from the very Source and Force of Love itself that guides the very creation of life.  In this way, we resonate more fully with Love as an active, healing and positive Force in our life and human system.  The more conscious we become of Love as an active, positive Force, the more we trust we are not separate from it. As the Love fills our system with positive feelings, we truly can release from the hold of the past and come safely into the 'now mom...

Hidden Expression Haikus

Haikus to Hidden Expression She walks in silence While furiously steaming Bee stings her wild hair Angry with his life Black scorpion found nearby Almost gets his foot Swimming from her past She just missed a jellyfish Ready with its sting Not happy to leave Stomps by the old green sage plant Rattlesnake shakes bush Fishing line empty Frustrated time was wasted Big shark snaps the bait

Joy Haikus

Haikus to Joy Bubbles blown in air Landing on random green leaves Open palm one rests Blue jay feather found On walking path to the beach Now on hiker’s hat Wind gusts strong late day Trees sway as the deck cools down Gentle wind chimes heard Whistle echoes out Live flapping wings fly close by Woman, bird unite Young girl holds dad’s hand Exploring the open sea Her joy splashes him

World View Perspective: Self Love is Now Love

When we can consciously forgive our self, Love our self and accept our self, allowing that Love to resonate with Love itself, we align and attune our self with a much higher force than we realize.  Love is an universal and Cosmic force and when we are aware we are not separate from it, we say 'Yes' to Love throughout our whole system and life.  The more we practice this level of Loving Consciousness, the more we vibrate that Love with all we do.  Our cells feel it and respond through better health and vitality, we feel our mind and heart opening to life in a new way and we rejoice through each and every breath we consciously take.  We feel uplifted, more grateful and happier right here, right now.  It is a living Grace because it follows a much more positive plan for us.  Forgiving all that has happened to us allows that aspect to heal but also all those associated with it too.  Forgiveness releases all the negativity around the pain and...

VIRTUAL BLOG TOUR - Another Leg of the Journey Begins . . .

WELCOME TO THE VIRTUAL BLOG TOUR Janet Rice Carnahan, currently living in Southern California, finds her inspiration in nature’s beauty every chance she gets.  Her poetry has been published online in “Jellyfish Whispers”, “Pryokinection”, “Camel Saloon”, “Three Line Poetry”, and “The Mind{less} Muse”.  Two of Janet’s poems were selected for the anthology, “Storm Cycle: The Best of 2013” through “Kind of a Hurricane Press”.  She also contributed poetry to two other anthologies, “Backlit Barbell” and “Prompted: An International Collection of Poems”, where she also received credit for the cover photo and caption.  On her website, Hear Earth Heart, she has self-published four poetry books, “Shadows in the Sanctuary”, “Into the Inner Path”, “The Cosmic Highway” and “Hear Earth Heart, a series of haikus”. The sunny Southern California coast provides marvelous opportunities for Janet and her husband to walk the beaches in search of all nature pr...