World View Perspective: Self Love is Now Love

When we can consciously forgive our self, Love our self and accept our self, allowing that Love to resonate with Love itself, we align and attune our self with a much higher force than we realize.  Love is an universal and Cosmic force and when we are aware we are not separate from it, we say 'Yes' to Love throughout our whole system and life.  The more we practice this level of Loving Consciousness, the more we vibrate that Love with all we do.  Our cells feel it and respond through better health and vitality, we feel our mind and heart opening to life in a new way and we rejoice through each and every breath we consciously take.  We feel uplifted, more grateful and happier right here, right now.  It is a living Grace because it follows a much more positive plan for us.  Forgiving all that has happened to us allows that aspect to heal but also all those associated with it too.  Forgiveness releases all the negativity around the pain and lets it go.  It also releases the fear.  Self Love encourages us all to know Love thoroughly and completely and to be present with it now.


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