World View Perspective: Clarity with Compassion

Compassion awakens our deepest understanding of human nature.  It flows through us like a shimmering stream in nature, paving the way for clarity and a more profound connection to the greater whole of life.  It makes clear what has blocked or locked the system or what has been impacted by negative thoughts and feelings throughout time.  Compassion brings us the clear picture of what happened and how our reactions and responses may have created even more difficulties for ourselves and others.  As we use the pure Heart energy of Compassion to go back through the past actions of others and our self, we begin to see how unconscious human nature can be and how it effects us all. Yet, even in the unconsciousness, it lights the way for more and more open and positive development and growth seen through the eyes of Compassion.  It awakens us to all positive possibilities.  At the very core of us and life is Love as a constant force of positive, pure and experiential energy that is universal and cosmic in nature.  We cannot be separate from it; it is impossible to be.  The whole of creation is sustained by Love and in our heart of Hearts, true Compassion unites us with this pure force always.  Becoming conscious of it within our Heart and trusting the clarity that comes, we are assured to be forever in union with Love.  Knowing we are not separate from Love itself, through heart felt Compassion, it is much easier to remain positive, happier, healthier and more true to who we really are within.  This is the ultimate goal of our true aspiration and attainment.  To learn to know who we are in the Heart through our Loving and present Compassion.


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