World View Perspective: Real feeling is real healing
When we tune into how we really feel, we can discover that we don't really feel so positive in our mind, body or emotional, psychological nature. Some aspect of our experienced self is out of sorts, balance or harmony. If we open our high Heart and higher mind, we can feel a stronger Love that can open and cleanse what has grown stagnant and old within our human structure. Our higher Heart is aligned and attuned to the force and source of Love itself. It is a real feeling that allows for a true healing, a rebalance of who are aspiring to be, which is a higher aspect of our current experience. This higher source is found in the depth of our Heat Soul Self and the realization of it enables us to heal our own system and continuously shift it, change it and heal it through rebalancing our energies with much higher and purer energies. It is a real feeling experiencing this healing and consequently to continue evolving and expanding into who we really are within. Bringing this healing harmony into and through our lives is the truly experienced transformation and it opens us to truly living life in touch with our Heart's true harmony.
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