World View Perspective: Our Conscious Trains of Thought
Our minds are capable of a lot of thoughts that can speed through at any given time! Maybe our minds have gone spinning through our past, have raced ahead into our future, has decided to visit old foes just to play out some kind of continued rage! If we aren’t aware of what our minds are capable of doing or thinking or functioning as, at any given time, how can we possibly understand that we can actually train our brain to behave itself! We are actually not our minds, we are the presence that is aware of it! That presence that we are, is capable of disciplining our minds when our ‘trains of thought’ have pulled out of the station and are taking us along on their journey! When we focus on the current day, centered and focused, it is easier to request the mind just stay put! Relish in our freedom to not be directed by it! As we grow and develop, we can unconsciously pick up thinking styles from our parents and other adults in the environment! A worries mother...