World View Perspective: Being BOLD or being 'bowled over'
When we were developing into adulthood, we may have had a strong aspect to our personality. Something we knew, understood, had developed previously or had an instinct for. We may have arrived into our family of origin, carrying this strength for ourselves or the family. When we exposed or expressed this strong suit, members of our family may have pushed back, criticized, judged, rejected or devalued us, making us doubt ourselves. In that self-doubt, perhaps we stopped sharing our inherent strength because the people closest to us would not, could not hear it or accept us. We were not well received, believed or conceived of knowing anything else to be true but what they knew. Therefore, sub-consciously or unconsciously, we were instead programmed by what those before us knew. Not only knew but what they were expecting to see in us, hear in us, witness in us, reflecting their limitations. As we then played out the roles and ...