World View Perspective: Clarity from conformity and distortion
Our human journey goes through so many shifts, changes, adaptations and adjustments throughout our lifetimes. We are all programmed at an early age to see life through the lenses of our early providers; parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, siblings, cousins, neighbors, teachers and friends and their families. We begin defining ourselves through their reactions and responses to us and this becomes how we identify ourselves. As we go through our schooling, we broaden our concepts of ourselves through our learning and understanding, too. Once we are out on our own, we use all the skills, talents, abilities, ideas, personality traits we have accrued to begin carving out our own lives. Often, these lives still mirror our influential adult figures and when we follow in their footsteps, we can receive applause, praise, appreciation and encouragement to continue. We can actually feel as if we won their accolades because we have effectively become them....