
Showing posts from June, 2020

World View Perspective: As the Heart descends

In all the current confusion, unrest and disarray, a clearing is occurring.  A dusting off of the way the old structure was working.  A removal of over-burdened excess, like someone clearing off furniture and moving it around to eliminate the build-up of dust under the old tattered and torn couch!  After the work is done, a new era, a new space, a greater room can be ushered in. Yes, there is loss, pain, worry and stress about why this is all happening and affecting so many people, families and groups of human beings around the globe.  In the clouds of confusion, despair, sadness and fear, we also have the opportunity to heal and transform and begin anew! As if the Queen herself is arriving for afternoon tea, the whole space and place must be cleaned, aired out and fresh new bold changes must have taken place!  Then once that has happened, the improved area is perfect for the Queen to arrive, thrive and survive the time and space, right on time! If, in fact, the...

World View Perspective: Eliminating punishments from the past

Without being particularly aware of it, we carrying the remnants of old punishments around, hidden away inside of us.  We learn how to swallow our experiences of being punished because they are painful experiences to have and they are even more painful to hold. Again, if we see our inner sense of self like a pond that was full of golden Light when we were born, it is easy to see how that 'pond' might have been affected and impacted throughout the course of our life to date. When we are young and innocent, we have no idea who could hurt us or why.  We don't yet have the consciousness to see negative things that might impact us come from others who could have issues and past unresolved pain that is still impacting them in negative, old ways.  It could be young people our same age that are jealous, fearful, envious or angry that they aren't us.  We don't know and we don't know why they or their words would hurt us!  Because of our not knowing, we can take their hur...

World View Perspective: One forest, many trees

We all carry Infinite Light and Energy of the Cosmic Soul because we cannot be separate.  Our existence is not different from the existence of the Great Cosmic Soul. The ONENESS that we are is LIFE!  Unity with that Light is why we are here!  When our consciousness is just coming from our ego or our physical body, social arenas, connections to others who share our perspective only, we can forget there is just one forest but within it, there are many trees. The shape, color, style, height, age, name of each tree isn't what's important.  What's important is that it is there!  It matters and it counts because it is alive and living right where it is located in the one big forest.  It matters because it exists. The space it occupies matters, the place where it needs to grow matters, how long it has taken for it to be full, matters, too.  Yet, that one tree among many doesn't fight for it's space, place or the right to be where it is. It has a natural right...