World View Perspective: Accessing your own Inner Light
If we can imagine a pond in us, which is like our personal emotional nature, we can see it is possibly full of rocks, stones, old debris, unnecessary leaves, dark murky water. All of which may be the result of old buried hurts, misunderstandings, confusion, traumas and dramas, perhaps all experienced or played out long ago! It is no longer current but because it has not been cleaned out or released, it will continue to taunt us and daunt us. It will make us feel heavy, depressed, held down and back and possibly unwell, until or unless, we begin to clear it and cleanse it, refilling it with new Light. We have all been taught that we have to suck up our pain, hurts, anger and strife instead of transform it, heal it and truly let it go. Yet, the art and practices of forgiveness, gratitude and being present in current day tell us and teach us to be loving towards ourselves and others and letting go is actually a gift! At the bottom of our inner emotion...