
Showing posts from July, 2019

World View Perspective: Accessing your own Inner Light

If we can imagine a pond in us, which is like our personal emotional nature, we can see it is possibly full of rocks, stones, old debris, unnecessary leaves, dark murky water.  All of which may be the result of old buried hurts, misunderstandings, confusion, traumas and dramas, perhaps all experienced or played out long ago!  It is no longer current but because it has not been cleaned out or released, it will continue to taunt us and daunt us.  It will make us feel heavy, depressed, held down and back and possibly unwell, until or unless, we begin to clear it and cleanse it, refilling it with new Light. We have all been taught that we have to suck up our pain, hurts, anger and strife  instead of transform it, heal it and truly let it go.  Yet, the art and practices of forgiveness, gratitude and being present in current day tell us and teach us to be loving towards ourselves and others and letting go is actually a gift! At the bottom of our inner emotion...

World View Perspective:Transforming being miserly, to misery, to mystery, to mastery

When we hold onto money as a way to define who we are and clamp down on being generous, we are effectively telling the Universe we don't believe in Abundance.  When all we do is bargain, we energetically 'bar-gain'.  Trusting that we will have all we need as we need it or trusting the right opportunities will show themselves when and as we need them, too, shows a greater faith in the Law of Abundance and in the Universe for providing what's needed. People who are too miserly bring misery into their lives due to fear!  In that mind set, we fear others will take what we have, we fear loss of what we are clinging to and worse of all we fear the loss of our definition of self.  We shut ourselves off to other possibilities and potentialities because we want what we have for ourselves. Once the misery sets in due to our fear based actions, many things can start to go wrong; a health crisis, a sudden loss that requires a financial output, family members in need, a sick ...

World View Perspective: Spiritual liberation

When we go on a spiritual journey or path to understand our own inner Light, we can still have a sense of being separate.  Yet, in the wholeness of who we truly are, that LIGHT becomes who we are in our fullest awareness.  In the field of existence, the energy of ONENESS is who we are. Our Light or Spirit serves as our inner guidance, reminding us who we are, without the ego's identification of separation.  In that 'spirit' of truth, we realize we can expand well beyond any boundaries or limitations that our human mind, or the minds of others, might impose on us.  To trust our inner light, to let it guide us, to allow it's ultimate Love and Life in us, as us, sounds daunting, to be sure.  Yet, it is that Union with our Spirit or Light, that will guide us correctly because of the mutual benefit and purpose. Our Light or Spirit only wants what is best for us.  The more Light or Spirit we can carry and shine, the more we transform ourselves into a Higher V...

World View Perspective: Loving the Light we are

Underneath our human traumas, our human fears and sadness, under our old programming and our sense of failing, we have a Light that is connected to the LIGHT ITSELF.  It is just as conscious, it is just as knowledgeable, it is just as wise.  How can it not be, it is the LIGHT within us. This Light is our Highest Consciousness, it is who we are and it shines whether we are aware of it or not!  To find it, access it and to feel it we must uncover it through Love and Forgiveness.  It is like looking for a hidden gem in a forest.  We have to use our intuition, our sense of adventure, our sense of inner knowing to seek where we think it must be.  We must love and forgive anything and everything that may have stood in the way!  Those blocks have been in our way to overcome. There are spiritual teachers who can help teach us, there are shamans who know and there are healers who can guide us in removing the layers and levels of what we use to cover up our ...