World View Perspective: Turning old fears into a stronger Faith
Fears from the past can be held in our sub-conscious and unconscious human aspects for lifetimes. Without our conscious effort, we can harbor old hurts, fears and misunderstandings, etc., within our own bodies. Denying they are there, hidden away from our view and self awareness for a long, long time. If they are revealed, we can feel the fears all over again or send them even deeper, away within us, for an even longer time. When we can muster the inner courage to look at them honestly, without judging them or ourselves or those who may have created them within us, we can make genuine progress! People are always trying to make their way forward as they attempt to make their dreams, goals, ambitions or purposes happen. They can hit up against us as we attempt to make ours happen, too. Egos can hit up against egos and eruptions can occur. Consequently, bad feelings, hard feelings, negative thoughts or poor reactions can result and we can stuff them into o...