World View Perspective: Transforming our old wounded sense of self

As we grow and develop our human nature and sense of self, there are many  'mirrors' around us, surrounding us.  They show us, tell us, teach us what they see and know about their perceptions of us.  It works for many years of our early life.  However, what we don't know at the time is perhaps, maybe and most likely, it isn't the full truth of who we are.  Parents, grandparents, siblings, friends and teachers, etc., are all the mirrors that we grow up using to develop our sense of self by.  If they are limited, fearful, anxious or trapped themselves, their perceptions of us will reflect that, possibly trapping us in their perceptions as well.

Picture all the early people in your life as different kinds of mirrors.  How clean are they, how dusty, how are they shaped, how are they formed, how bright is their own mirror, what color is their mirror?  Is it a light mirror, a heavy mirror, a sad mirror?  Is there a positive reflection or a negative one?

If a parent or early 'mirror' doesn't approve of females, creative thinkers or sensitive personalities, then perhaps all they will reflect to us is a negative sense of self.  If we cannot discern our true self from this false identity, we might suffer from this negative self-image for many, many years, if not our whole life.  All without knowing it was a 'tainted view'!

Any 'mirror' in our life can only shine as bright a light as they have at the time.  It isn't necessarily false, as much as only what they understand at the time.  If two parents have only a high school graduation under their belt, they might not encourage their children to obtain an advanced degree.  They might only promote a high school degree, even though their children seek to advance their own knowledge and understanding, promoting their own chance of greater possibilities with their chosen careers.  A small example but it is how it works.  We can only see and receive in someone else what they have to offer, nothing more.  To seek more, search more and find more, we must move forward and find that within ourselves.

Our Highest Self waits to be found, discovered and realized.  It waits to be heard, sought and recognized from within.  If the ties from the past keep it bound up in worry, frustration, anxiety and fear, it cannot, will not come forward to reveal and express itself fully.

We must find our inner wounds and offer them up to our Highest Intelligence.  To let go of what is dark and hidden within us and free it back up to our own inner Highest Light.  Trusting that greatest Light will lift it and gift us back with greater clarity, understanding and compassion.  Freeing up the past that has 'dogged' us all this time.

Be grateful for the early 'mirrors', be grateful that they showed you their best or worst understanding of you and set that old, no longer needed sense of self free; to transform itself, open itself, surrender itself to become the Highest Version of YOURSELF.

Let that LIGHT in, let that LOVE in and let all that CLARITY shine.  Trust that SELF from the very core of you and be grateful to the 'false wound' that guided you to your GREATER TRUTH!  LOVE IT ALL, FORGIVE IT ALL and BE GRATEFUL FOR IT ALL.  It was all needed, useful and necessary for our further growth, development and expanded sense of SELF!  'Life is the friction that polishes the stone'!  It is the beauty, trust and truth of life itself and it is GOOD!  


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