World View Perspective: Forgiving our own human nature first

When we are unconscious, we make choices, decisions, plans and take actions that might have long term consequences we don't expect, want or anticipate.  As we mature and grow, expanding our development, we can come to regret those actions.  Left unattended, we can go to dark and lonely places within us, feeling badly about ourselves, finding it hard to come back.

Judgment, self-doubt, self anger and remorse can affect our well-being and cast us into depression, isolation and endless self-pity.  Yet, we can surrender the deep and dank places within us through conscious, active, inspiring choices that can offer us a positive way out.  Forgiveness is such a powerful tool and we need to practice forgiveness with ourselves first.  It must be done within our own Heart of hearts, dearly and sincerely.

When we can forgive ourselves completely, asking deeply to be shown a better path or set of choices from now on, a Loving, Guiding hand of Inner Wisdom can show us what we need next.

The truth is on our life's journey, so many of our mistakes are actually just learning lessons.  Without them, 'the friction of life cannot polish our stone'.  To gain wisdom, inner peace, deeper understanding and Unconditional LOVE, we first have to do our best and then learn from each and everything that happens to us on our way through each lifetime. Offering up any habits, behaviors and actions that might impede our growth or have a negative affect on our happiness and our health.

At the Heart of us, there is a clear and strong Self, who knows our Highest ability to succeed and what it will take to get us there!  Once we can open to and trust this Inner Voice, who has our best interest at Heart, we can be guided over all the blocks and limitations on our path.  The answers are within us, awaiting our own discoveries. We have to take that leap of Faith so that that Faith can become who we are striving to be and become until we can develop that full Faith in our self.  This is the Inner Harmony needed to truly pursue your best and Highest Path in this lifetime.

It starts by going within ourselves freely and willingly to forgive our own selves for any negative choices that may have hurt us or those closest to us.  When we are blind to our actions, how can we truly discern how they will affect others or ourselves?  A blindfolded person, wandering through the forest has many obstacles in their path before they learn what to avoid and how not to stumble.  We are the same, going through life the best way we can until Light is shining on our way and we can clearly see.

With Higher Clarity, we can navigate our lives much better.  Forgiving ourselves completely for everything in our past that has brought us to our current moment, we let go of old, stuck blockages that keep us from seeing and understanding completely.  How can we know when we cannot see to discern what is the best plan for us?

We start by making peace with ourselves right here and right now, understanding the great learning curve that guides us on our way.  We start by practicing self-forgiveness on as deep a level as we can find within us.  As we forgive our own human nature, so we can forgive everyone else's.  We release judgment, negativity, anger, remorse, guilt and old emotional heavy baggage from the past.

This continual positive, conscious action allows in, invites in, welcomes in more LOVE, more LIGHT and more Truth and these are all tools to guide us on, on a much more positive, enlightened journey to Self-Discovery and Self-Awareness.

Make today your first day to completely forgive your own human nature, while grasping all the lessons you have received along the way.  Feel the depth of that gratitude and enjoy that ultimate, ongoing destination of JOY, JOY in finding out who you truly are and how LOVE always GUIDES us home!


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