
Showing posts from December, 2017

World View Perspective: We only suffer when we think we are the past

If we consider our human systems consist of our spiritual body, intellectual body, mental body, psychological body, emotional body and physical body, we can literally stuff age old pain, grudges and hurtful memories into any one of our bodies and it can stay trapped in there, in our unconsciousness/subconsciousness forever. It can flare up, of course, when it is triggered and nudge us, perturb us, stress us, get our attention and even create distressing situations until or unless we go into it, feel it and heal it. When our systems feel 'out of sorts' it is usually due to something in our past that is trying to move on and can't currently do so.  It is a trapped feeling or emotion that has not been resolved yet and yet, something else in our awareness knows it needs to be released so we can continue on in our lives. It can also happen in the moment and we feel it but we don't know what it is that happened.  Picture a family gathering.  You have been claiming to be...

World View Perspective: The Peace in our Heart can heal our personal pieces

Our Highest Heart can heal the broken pieces of our personal heart.  The INFINITE LOVE we carry is our Highest Consciousness.  That endless resource can enter our own personal heart and 'bring to Light' what, who and why we were hurt in the past.  It can show us deeply where we were too vulnerable to avoid the pain and how, with the clear, current Consciousness, we can let go and Let God clear the old, stuck blockages until our Light and Energy is flowing clearly again towards greater happiness, health and clarity! With old relationships, which can be the Source of the initial pain, or personal heartbreak, we can see the old emotional attachments as red ropes, holding down our 'hot air balloon' sense of self.  The sense of self that should be 'up', happy, joyful and inspired.  These ropes of attachment we can feel, keep us 'bound' to the past but which might not adequately, honestly reflect who we are now. For example, if you are one of four sisters ...

World View Perspective: When we love ourselves on the inside and outside

In the great search for our positive thinking and happiness, when we can honestly love and accept ourselves on the inside and the outside, we will lighten our load and experience that great inner peace.  To Love and Accept the Highest aspect of Our Self, surrendering any and all old imbalances of fear, deep worry, apprehension and doubt, we set all those limitations free.  Space is made to really experience that Higher realm of all that's good! As we grow and develop, we aren't necessarily aware of how much other people's thoughts, feelings, opinions and judgments towards us can affect us.  Their expectations, needs, wants and relationships with us can entangle us in many energies that aren't ours.  We might feel it but we might be uncertain where it comes from or from which person. For example, our parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins will all have their own views about money, status and privilege without them mentioning any of it to you.  Yet, ...