World View Perspective: Where is the Voice?
When confusion reigns, when fear pervades, when the Earth Herself, begins to shake, roll and cleanse and when She clearly seems undone, where is the Voice of clarity, understanding and compassion? Where is the Guidance and Truth for us to follow? Are there many Voices, are there many directions, are there many paths and if so, how do we find them? The answer that has been through time is still the same. The Voice to listen to is within. It is within our very Heart and Soul. It is that clarity, that understanding and that perception that will indeed guide us home and guide us to Truth. When Mankind can open it's Collective Hearts, Souls and Greater Minds, we will see and know the Bigger Truth and, therefore, be in positions to assist Mankind and the Earth Herself. We will see our greater expanse and how LOVE is the only way forward. We must KNOW and RESPOND to who we TRULY are before we can have a positive impact on our environment, ourselv...