
Showing posts from 2015

World View Perspective: Core Self Acceptance

So many different aspects of life effect, affect or infect us without us being aware of their impact on us.  They might be subtle energies, harbored old energies from others, triggered past recall energies or memories. It could be something totally unrelated to any of this, perhaps something in the room or that passes by.  We could try on clothes in a store and pick up an unwanted energy without feeling it or noticing it for days. Instead of being overly concerned or too cautious about this happening, an easier way is to discern how you feel. If you feel at the very core of you, a sense of feeling balanced, healthy and whole, then just allow any feeling of the unwanted or out of balance energies to go.  If you do not feel positive, keep having the sense that you are surrendering the negative energies or impacts to your Core Self until you feel the release. It sounds simplistic and perhaps too general, but it does help to keep energy off of us that might be too ne...

World View Perspective: A choice for a Higher Perspective

As we grow and develop as human beings, we are exposed to opportunities that promote our understanding and awareness of who we are physically, mentally, emotionally intellectually and psychologically.  We learn to pay attention, be cautious and how to function and communicate in our families and societies as we mature.  We learn what works and doesn't work with our personalities and our understanding of others.  What we are not always taught is how to open our hearts and spirit and seek a Higher Truth, Love, Compassion or Perspective. Often what pushes us to do that is when we 'hit a wall' with our life like when we must face the death of loved ones, deep loss of something or someone treasured, divorce, overwhelming harmful addictions in ourselves and/or loved ones, serious illness, long term fear of not surviving or terrifying circumstances that frighten us and threaten daily life, for example.  Theses types of human experiences can have a huge impa...

World View Perspective: Transforming the unconscious fear to Conscious Love

Going deeper into the true Nature of things, Mother Earth and Mankind, we can see the whole of creation as an evolving state of Love.  Love is central to any theme of life; birth, family, friends, celebrations, holidays, giving and receiving Love and Joy from life.  It is our true connection to all we hold sacred and true in our Highest Hearts.  Love is an Infinite Source and Force found throughout creation.  It is Pure, Good and Plentiful.  It is from and is the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energies.  This Pure Being is not isolated, identified, secured or named by any religion or section of the world.  This Pure Being is everywhere all at once, nowhere and Now Here.  It lives in the Heart of us all.  The bigger Intent of our purpose here is to Love this Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energies with all our Heart and have Faith in our Inner Guidance of Love to help us transform our greatest unconscious; locks, blocks or sho...

World View Perspective: Resentments must give way to acceptance

When we harbor hidden deep resentments  they act like cement.  Stagnation comes and we are effectively in angry, bitter lock down.  It becomes very difficult to move forward.  The anger and bitterness robs us then of life, joy and positive outcomes.  Resentments can erode our best efforts towards loving and understanding each other.  Resentments are like a stagnant old pond that begins breeding harmful, negative, miserable germs and bacteria that have no where to go.  They begin tainting all in their way until everything is infected. When we actively, consciously choose acceptance and positive thinking and loving understanding instead of clinging to old resesentments, we free ourselves of unnecessary self harm or harm to others.  Acceptance of what is positive and good and choosing that perspective as a way of life as we consciously, actively also release bitterness and old resentments can and will shift our thinking around and welcome in greate...

World View Perspective: Fear grips, Love releases

To be in a human system, means fear is also a real presence.  Living and life are cherished and treasured things, just like when we breathe in and out and our heart beats.  The idea or concern about our lives ending or being threatened activates strong fear based emotions down to the level of fearing for our very survival.  Living and not living can become genuinely felt experiences that can consume our thinking.  Yet, if that level of fear grips our system too hard for too long, it can send us spiraling into a very dark place where we lose all sight of living life through Faith. We have reasons to be here on earth, to be with those we love and to work towards uncovering our true self and purpose here.  It is based on Love, Faith, Truth and Understanding Life.  There have been some very brave six year old children who have only lived six years but they have had a huge positive impact on our lives.  Listening to them, one hears their level of Faith...

World View Perspective: Emerging from fear

If our ultimate goal on earth is to overcome fear, we must first understand how to discern fear from Love.  When we are in fear, we contract, pull away, retreat, hide, become small, narrow and closed.  When we are in Love, we expand, grow, willingly shift, change, extend and open.  We are happier, lighter and joy filled whereas when we are in fear, we carry that heavy burden of dread, worry and fret and it literally weighs us down.  The greatest way back to Love is by accessing Faith.  Faith in life, Faith in Love and Faith in our ultimate connection to the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energy.  Being true to our deepest sense of Love and to our self, unites us with the greatest Force and Source on earth.  Love is the greatest Energy there is; human love, love of earth, Divine Love, Universal Love and Cosmic Love can and do Unite as ONE LOVE to us and through us and that is our ultimate goal here.  To become that living Love....

World View Perspective: The Heart unites, fear of separation divides

Within our collective Heart, there is true Unity.  We are all United through Love that links us directly to the Source and Force of Love itself.  When our separate ego-minds take hold of any situation, we do not see or feel Unity, we see and feel separate.  Anger, fear, rage, revenge and resentment live in the ego-mind's sense of separation.  When we aspire to know ourself through the Higher Heart of Compassion, Love and Truth, a greater strength of Infinite Grace connects with us and we are naturally inspired to expand our Heart, Compassion and Understanding.  This is the true road to Peace.  Peace cannot come through a divided intention.  Peace cannot come through actions of hatred or fear.  Peace cannot come when there is so much negative division. The Source and Force of Love is in the domain of the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energy.  It is a Light of Life, Love and True Understanding, seeking Goodness, Balance, Grace and Peac...

World View Perspective: Going into the Source of Positivity

No matter the mind's frustrations, the ego's resistance, our old programming, conditioning, habits or routines, there is always a Source of Positivity within us at all times.  It might just come to us in whispers, a gut feeling, a moment of intuitive thought, mystical feeling or psychic perception but it is always there.  It is there in our own High Heart and deepest core feeling.  It is the resounding, 'Y.E.S.' and reason for life, Love and the true freedom of both outside our narrow thinking and feeling base.  It is ok, in fact, encouraged to go beyond our limited thoughts and feelings to know our expanded intelligence and awareness of who we really are within.  To know we are not the 'smaller' negative thoughts but rather we are able to know our greater sense of self too. Imagine a wide, wider and widest circle of Light, extending beyond our boundaries into ever increasing Circles of Light.  Understand these circles of     light as Universal ...

World View Perspective: Setting our inner intelligence free

When we sit quietly, we can hear our own inner thoughts and feel out true inner feelings.  We can become aware of a deeper sense of self in the context of the rest of our lives.  This deeper sense of self requires exploration and time to actually hear the Love and Truth being offered.  Meditation helps support this inner guidance and perception as does contemplation.  Just time out in nature also allows for this deeper relationship to form and develop. After we learn to listen, accept, pay attention and implement this deeper, more profound intelligence, we begin to notice how in touch it is with everything around us.  We have to also, in this process, learn to discern that this deeper intelligence truly feels correct to us. All around us, each and every day, there are energies begging for our attention, our time and our effort.  Some are useful, needed, necessary and important for us to give our attention to but others need to be wee...

World View Perspective: Releasing our old self-images

As we evolve, grow and expand our thinking and feelings as we mature on the spiritual path, and through our continued natural human development, we also need to shift and change our self-images.  Without becoming more conscious, we can stay in the energy of old self-images.  Being stuck in the vibration of old images about our self, we run the risk of not opening up to know and experience more true aspects of our self. The old ideas about our self, which may not truthfully reflect who we are in current day, can act as stumbling blocks on our path to greater development.  For example, if a young boy has to wear his shoes until there are holes in them because his family cannot afford new shoes this becomes one image the boy has about himself.  Yet once he is a man who can afford new shoes, he still might wear old shoes with holes in them because he has not shifted or changed his self-image!  To outgrow our old ideas about ...

World View Perspective: Owning our own true worth and value

Accessing our True Spiritual Essence and Higher Intelligence and trusting our own inner perception of people, events and experiences enables us to transform into an expanded Self.  This Self within us can clear the fear and see things more truthfully as they are.  It is not bound by fears, frets and regrets but rather, our Higher Self can show us how to flush our energy with Grace, Compassion and Infinite Love. This is our true value and worth.  It is our own inner 'pot of gold'.  It is the Higher expansion of who we really are and it guides us perfectly with Love, through Love and to greater Love because it is Love itself.  Owning our own Love, found it our Highest Heart, allows our life to feel, heal and transform into an ongoing consciousness of unfolding shifts and changes that resonate to more and more Love.  Love is the strongest Force on earth. Our own High Heart is our True worth and value because it connects us directly to the Infinite Love tha...

World View Perspective: Breaking through illusions

With all the rules and roles human nature gets put through, at the core of who we are is the Truth of who we are.  The Truth of who we are aren't the roles and rules we play out.  Aspects of our personalities must experience themselves and express themselves in order to complete certain passages of time.  If our soul has come here to experience being a daughter, sister, wife, friend, mother or grandmother, for example, then those life opportunities will reveal themselves for the sake of the soul and our soul's growth and expansion.  When and as those levels and layers are experienced and expressed, when it is time, we can release the old attachments, let go of what doesn't serve us anymore and give up the old aspects in order for more new growth to occur. Deep within us, there is also a greater Truth as to who we are and it is clear, clean and pure.  See it as a steady flame, a true fire, a purified crystal of pure intelligence, relati...

World View Perspective: Recognizing our own energy

There is a force field of high energy that surrounds our own physical body.  This energy is our expanded Self, our spirit self, containing a spiritual component of Intelligence.  When we are attuned to it, we can receive and perceive impressions and awareness that, when accessed, can be quite useful in our lives.  We can receive psychic and intuitive messages that help us discern what else we might be dealing with and working with in our situation on an energetic level.  Learning to discern what we are perceiving and receiving in our energy field is important because we can perceive any numbers of impressions; both containing positive and negative vibrations.  As we aspire to and consciously practice recognizing our own energy field and vibration, we begin to discern when an energy enters our field which is not healthy, positive or useful for us.  Once we can do this, it is far easier to make different choices in order to avoid a situation or person...

World View Perspective: We are not the misery

When we experience the misery of life or excessive sadness, we are relating to an experience that has affected our human system; our mind, our emotions, our psychological self or our physical body, which we perceive as our personal sense of self.  We feel it, become aware of it and understand that we have been affected in some way.  We might benefit from counseling, having someone loving listen to us or just take some private time away to process what has happened.  It is a journey of it's own and time is a great healer.  When we can access our spiritual intelligence through forgiveness, through Love, Compassion or Faith, we realize we can surrender any and all misery to a deeper sense of gratitude.  Let the Heart speak to us of gratitude for loving the person, for knowing the people, for having a time or a lifetime with someone special.  We can be grateful for the home, for the location, for all the years this aspect of our life held this loving memor...

World View Perspective: Grace surrounds the pain

No matter where it hurts, where your energy is blocked or where fear sets in, Grace surrounds the pain.  Everything is energy and as such, we can learn to discern what energy within us is capable of clearing whatever hurts, feels out of balance or is just not moving forward.  When we consciously, actively try to form a relationship with our inner Grace, the response is positive and a collaborative sense of connection is formed.  This energy of a living Grace within becomes a healing energy for positive change.  Pain comes in many forms throughout our human system.  It can come from bottled up emotions, memories never expressed, slights that happened as a child or something more direct and continual.  Pain wants to be released so we can move forward in our lives.  Accessing our inner Grace enables the pain to be nudged out where it can be surrendered fully.  Think of it as a thorn that has gone into our skin.  It hurts, we feel it and it m...

World View Perspective: Forgiving ourselves completely

Spiritual development, along with our human development, leads us to the point of self-forgiveness as a path for moving forward.  All the experiences, the awareness, the consciousness, the levels and layers of learning, the confusion,  stumbles and bumbles are all the needed and necessary stepping stones for growth, greater understanding and ultimate expanded thought and feeling.  How else do we learn to discern and improve our lives?  If we had the clearer or more truthful answer at the time, wouldn't we have chosen it?  As and when we look back through our relationships and past moments in time, can't we use hindsight to recognize and realize why we made the choices we made, why we followed certain desires, prompts, ideas about our self only to discover it wasn't at all what we expected?  It is at those moments, that forgiving our selves completely is so very important.  In sixth grade, we can't expect we would know and understand what we learn ...

World View Perspective: Truth aligns us with who we are

In the course of our own human development, we go through so many different cycles; levels and layers of our own experience.  We can experience growth and awareness on mental levels, emotional levels, physical and spiritual levels.  We grow through relationships, expressions, feelings, education, work, communications with others, through close, heart-felt connections to others, through our failures and our successes.  We follow our desires, our drivers, our talents and our skills by way of our intelligence, heart and a sense of what is our best path forward.  We utilize our personalities, perspective and sense of value, loyalty and respect, as well as our humor and human understanding.  We also do our best to please and impress others in our life in order to enhance their lives and our relationship with them.  Along the way, we can also learn and yearn for greater and greater discernment.  Developing the ability to tell the difference between what...

World View Perspective: Finding that flicker of faith

Just like the downpour of any storm, just when all the lights have gone off, fear of survival sets in and somewhere there has to be a flicker of faith that reignites us.  Maybe it is seeing the neighbor's light finally coming on or finding the batteries still work in the flashlight or finding the abundance of candles and matches available, which tells us all is well.  It may seem trivial but it is enough to brighten our day and give us the courage to continue.  There is a true reality to who we are, why we are here, what we can do and become.  It is worth aspiring to know that truth is found in our absolute core fire.  The fire that ignites all our passion, our finest interests and our greatest desire to know and to understand.  Our own inspirations are a clue to this notion of where our true passions lie.  When we open to that true flicker of faith within us and kindle what we find there, miracles can happen.  Perhaps they are small at first and ...

World View Perspective: The only way to it is through it

When we aspire to know and understand the truth of any situation, we need faith and trust to guide us on our way.  If we aspire to know our purpose here, for example, we must apply faith and trust in our aspiration to discover that purpose. By doing so, we can be guided to things, people, situations and challenges we never would have imagined.  We actually may end up completely stuck in them until we begin to realize we are walking the path to it in order to get through it.  We need to play out all the false beliefs we have about our selves and our life before they fall away like a dandelion in the breeze when the winds of change come.  When something has finished it's course because we have completed it, experiences begin to altar because the lesson has ended and we must make room for what is next.  Maybe we are contented to finish middle school because we are ready for high school but on the spiritual level, some of the lessons are much more subtle.  What...

World View Perspective: Cellular Love

With all the balancing we do, just living our lives, making time to breath consciousness into 'cellular Love' may not be high on our list.  However, breathing in gratitude for the pure Love and Compassion we carry, existing as deeply as our cells, can bring fresh energy to our very present moment.  We can set up dialogues with our whole body to stimulate more energy, more clarity, more focus and more rejuvenation just through our pure intention.  Making time each day for a 'forgiveness walk', for example, or time out in nature to thank your whole body for all the strength it carries day after day.  See it as a mother sitting outside around a fire with all her children.  One by one, she openly thanks them for all they bring to the family, appreciates them for who they are and acknowledges each of their contributions.  How would they feel and respond?  How happy would they be to continue to contribute?  When our True Sel...

World View Perspective: Turning lead to gold

Lead is a heavy energy and gold is worth far more.  When we look at consciousness and energy, if we carry too much old and dense lead (energy) around, we can lose that sense of worth and value to our life.  The key is when we feel our life or our energy is too dense, we should see it as a clear signal to dig way down until you find what feels truly golden within yourself and bring it up to the surface.  Let that light and lightness, lift everything back up and turn everything golden.  Consciousness is golden and, as such, we can always access golden consciousness by discerning and realizing who we are and who we aren't.  There is Love, Compassion and Grace in the core of us.  We are not the heavier energies like sadness, anger, fear, fret and regret.  When we hold onto the past, we remain there until or unless we can transmute it and transform it into our current golden moment of present consciousness.  See it as a lead ba...

World View Perspective: Our Heart knows who we are

When we feel defeated, depressed, frustrated or even hopeless, remember at all times, our Heart knows who we are.  Our Heart sees more clearly than our mind and through Compassion and Love, our Heart continues to guide us back to our True Selves so we can continue moving forward.  Each experience, each person who crosses our path and every opportunity we have to grow, allows us to learn and to ultimately find greater and greater ways to listen to and trust our own Heart.  When we activate our own True Heart, we have accessed a true and trusted friend.  Sometimes it leads us far a field from where we assumed we would go only to circle back and lead us home again.  Yet, on each journey, we have gathered our strength and lessons, like rocks and shells on a beach that is always within reach.  Once the lessons have been fully learned and their completion becomes like a tool in our quiver, we can release the rocks and shells we gathered on the way, tossing t...

World View Perspective: Gratitude is a breath away

Gratitude lifts the Heart and engages our joy of life.  When everything else looks dismal or feels heavy, simple gratitude for breathing in and breathing out reminds us that life itself is still present.  Counting our blessings, one by one and feeling gratitude for them all, even the challenges, lightens our load.  Courage lives on in the Heart.  Courage to be grateful for all things big and small allows us to continue looking forward.  Negative thinking and feelings can creep into our consciousness and take us on unintended journeys until we realize how far down we have gone.  In a heart beat, we can change their course by activating our own gratitude for our simple life breath.  Walking up to smell a rose or a tree or breathing in the sea air will also do the same thing.  Allowing our breath to take us into a sincere place of ongoing gratitude restores the hope, positivity and optimism for life.  Being grateful for where we are no...

World View Perspective: The weight of past burdens

When we carry the weight of past burdens, we are literally 'weighed down' by them.  Our physical body and energy feels heavy and we feel under the weight of them.  If the past burdens indeed live in and belong to the past, sit still with them and one by one see them as a leaf of a tree and allow them to consciously, actively blow away in the wind.  Be grateful for the learning and lessons but really feel them lift off and be released.  No matter how heavy or painful or dreadful the memories are, let them go.  Then have a sense of planting another tree nearby.  On this tree put flowers of all the good and positive memories you can remember.  Maybe it is just a small memory but it warms your heart or spirit every time you think about it.  Put that on your new tree.  Let those positive flowers go and grow.  Visit them as often as you'd like to.  Nurture them and hold them close.  In essence, you are nurturing positive me...

World View Perspective: Releasing negative thoughts and feelings

With any aspiration to become more and more conscious of our daily thoughts, feelings and actions towards our self and others, it is easy to overlook past patterns.  Old negative patterns of thoughts and feelings can form unconscious energy constructs that play over and over until or unless we can consciously, actively release them.  What we may not remember or stay conscious of is that there is an energy connection between all people.  When we utter or state out loud and/or share our negative thoughts or feelings with a friend about someone else or even our self, we are effecting that energetic connection.  See it like 'caking up' a beautiful golden web of connectivity among all living things.  Every negative thought or feeling is like throwing dark, heavy dirty mud on the lovely natural connection between all living things, which changes the dynamic.  It isn't easy to catch the small and quick negative, angry, childish, jealous, enviou...

World View Perspective: Grace is within our very cells

When we think about Grace, it is easy to just think about our Heart, Love or prayers.  Yet, the state of a living Loving Grace also lives in our very cells.  It is at the core of us who we really are within.  It is a Pure Energy that is our Being Self.  As such, we can have a relationship and communicate with the Living Grace within.  Collaborating with our inner state of Grace allows us to feel Grace and heal with Grace. One way to see the effects of an inner relationship with Grace is like having a pond that needs an occasional cleaning.  If we can imagine having a pure white chalk like tablet marked, 'GRACE' that cleanses and purifies water when our ponds become too cloudy, toxic, darkened or soiled.  All we simply have to do is drop in the 'GRACE' tablet and let it work at the right pace to clean out the water until it is clear and fresh again.  See the tablet drop all the way to the bottom and dissolve away all that i...

World View Perspective: We are not our disappointments

As much as they continue to hurt us, haunt us, affect us or create and generate negative feelings within us, we are not our collected disappointments.  We are taught to hide our disappointments from others so we won't appear weak or fragile.  We are taught to swallow them not wallow in them.  Yet, if we ignore them over time, they can sink us like a ship.  They can become a whole 'voice' unto themselves that drown us in pain, over and over again.  When our disappointments rise up in us we need to tell them to 'stop' and then consciously 'drop' them.  Treat them like children continuing to 'tattle' on another child.  When they start, just say, 'stop and drop' so the focus and emphasis ends.  There are aspects within us that act like a living sabotaging agent.  The old thoughts and feelings we carry can carry on disturbing and disrupting our true sense of self and our efforts to heal and feel whole again.  Consider them our 'shadow self...

World View Perspective: Love and forgiveness can move mountains

When we can sincerely say, "Please help me to forgive it all, love it all and thank you for it all,", miracles can happen.  We are here to learn to discern, grow, keep on developing and to expand our thinking.  What holds us back the most is fear of the past reoccurring and consequently, we hold onto the memory of the past so tightly, we cannot easily or naturally move forward.  We effectively stay stuck in the muck instead of being grateful we are still alive and able to move on.  The past was simply an event, an experience, a point of growth, understanding, perhaps confusion or a disappointment.  Yet, when we actively, consciously love it, forgive it and go beyond it, we change our memory of it and, through gratitude and lessons learned, we continue to move forward in our lives.  Our collected and accrued fear lives on in our mental, emotional and physical planes and it continues to whisper the stored memory of pain to us, as if it is still real and curre...

World View Perspective: At our core is Grace

Grace is at our very core.  Beneath sadness, fear, confusion, anger and hurt, Grace is present and accessible.  It is an inner strength that we can draw on and consciously utilize to help heal and transform ourselves with actively.  Grace is at the core of our Being; the very Essence of who we are within.  Grace is always surrounding us and present within us.  Grace is clear, loving and a true, living inspiration.  We can not be separate from the Love of Grace that surrounds us.  The strength of Grace pushes out any and all locks and blocks our system may be holding onto unnecessarily.  The state of Grace guides us home because it is our home to be in the state of Grace.  Grace is found at our core.  The Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energy communicates with us through Grace.  When we consciously want to heal our system, we can call on the inner Grace to lift off of us what is in the way.  It works in a collaborative fas...

World View Perspective: Our positive core self

Deep inside our very Being is a core positive self.  It is our inner knowing Self.  It is wise, aware and present.  It knows who we are, why we are here and what we are here to do.  It understands our self on all levels and when we collaborate with it, we can effectively heal all parts of our self.  This core Self is positive and good.  It knows Love and Compassion and it knows we are not separate from the Infinite Love as a universal force.  Our core positive Self wants us to forgive ourselves and each other as well as forgive our past so we become more conscious of now and more conscious of our true aspirations.  As we complete identifying with the past, we move towards a much happier and healthier present, which allows the core Self to come forward.  Our core Self knows Joy because it is in Loving Union now.  The core Self can guide us along our path until we recognize and realize we have never been separate from Love itself.  Ou...

World View Perspective: Moving on in gratitude

When we can 'let go and Let God' remove the attachments from the past that are not positive or useful and release all our 'knots' from the past we have held onto, we free up our present now moments.  We begin to move forward to what is correct for us next.  When we can fill our Hearts with gratitude that we were given the chance to finish out the old ideas, dreams, wishes, ideals or hopes that didn't materialize, happen or produce results, we make real true progress.  Growth and evolution are necessary on both the human domains as well as the spiritual domains and when we acknowledge that, what we most need for our next steps towards great maturity comes.  Our own willingness is a factor for progress. On a child's playground, there used to be a set of rings or hoops that were all in a row.  You would grab the first one and swing to the next and the next until you got to the end.  If you didn't release the one before it, you wouldn't get to complet...