World View Perspective: Core Self Acceptance
So many different aspects of life effect, affect or infect us without us being aware of their impact on us. They might be subtle energies, harbored old energies from others, triggered past recall energies or memories. It could be something totally unrelated to any of this, perhaps something in the room or that passes by. We could try on clothes in a store and pick up an unwanted energy without feeling it or noticing it for days. Instead of being overly concerned or too cautious about this happening, an easier way is to discern how you feel. If you feel at the very core of you, a sense of feeling balanced, healthy and whole, then just allow any feeling of the unwanted or out of balance energies to go. If you do not feel positive, keep having the sense that you are surrendering the negative energies or impacts to your Core Self until you feel the release. It sounds simplistic and perhaps too general, but it does help to keep energy off of us that might be too ne...