World View Perspective: Setting our inner intelligence free
When we sit quietly, we can hear our own inner thoughts and feel out true inner feelings. We can become aware of a deeper sense of self in the context of the rest of our lives. This deeper sense of self requires exploration and time to actually hear the Love and Truth being offered. Meditation helps support this inner guidance and perception as does contemplation. Just time out in nature also allows for this deeper relationship to form and develop.
After we learn to listen, accept, pay attention and implement this deeper, more profound intelligence, we begin to notice how in touch it is with everything around us. We have to also, in this process, learn to discern that this deeper intelligence truly feels correct to us.
All around us, each and every day, there are energies begging for our attention, our time and our effort. Some are useful, needed, necessary and important for us to give our attention to but others need to be weeded out or given less of a priority. When we utilize our intelligence and our heart to discern what to pay attention to and what to ignore for the time being, we begin to notice what aspect of us is continually guiding us. Applying our most earnest discernment and aspiration for truth, we can begin to notice that deeper part of our own understanding.
Understanding the true nature all around us is a gift of Heart. Consciousness and awareness are also great gifts of Heart. When we become conscious and aware of all the Love around us, we open our Heart to that same vibration. Soon, we can discern when people, things and even places are of a higher vibration and which people, things and places are not. When we open to our Higher Intelligence, the Love in our Heart, set free through conscious awareness, allows that Love to become who we are, without any separation. The joy within us lights up, everything feels so much lighter, brighter and open.
Of course, we must maintain our system and our ability to ground when this happens. It is important to maintain balance and attention to the present moment and yet, a sense of a new beginning and a refreshing new perspective will also be present. This is setting our inner intelligence free. This is letting that deepest Love come to the surface and express itself. This is allowing Love to be who we are and who we touch in the world. Our greatest inner Intelligence is Love Itself. The more we open to this greatest Love, the more it replenishes us, the earth and all around us. Love resonates with Love, just like harmony brings about more harmony. Set your Highest Heart free to Love and see how it changes you and your world through the Loving vibration of Love. Let the Intelligence of Love show you the path forward.
After we learn to listen, accept, pay attention and implement this deeper, more profound intelligence, we begin to notice how in touch it is with everything around us. We have to also, in this process, learn to discern that this deeper intelligence truly feels correct to us.
All around us, each and every day, there are energies begging for our attention, our time and our effort. Some are useful, needed, necessary and important for us to give our attention to but others need to be weeded out or given less of a priority. When we utilize our intelligence and our heart to discern what to pay attention to and what to ignore for the time being, we begin to notice what aspect of us is continually guiding us. Applying our most earnest discernment and aspiration for truth, we can begin to notice that deeper part of our own understanding.
Understanding the true nature all around us is a gift of Heart. Consciousness and awareness are also great gifts of Heart. When we become conscious and aware of all the Love around us, we open our Heart to that same vibration. Soon, we can discern when people, things and even places are of a higher vibration and which people, things and places are not. When we open to our Higher Intelligence, the Love in our Heart, set free through conscious awareness, allows that Love to become who we are, without any separation. The joy within us lights up, everything feels so much lighter, brighter and open.
Of course, we must maintain our system and our ability to ground when this happens. It is important to maintain balance and attention to the present moment and yet, a sense of a new beginning and a refreshing new perspective will also be present. This is setting our inner intelligence free. This is letting that deepest Love come to the surface and express itself. This is allowing Love to be who we are and who we touch in the world. Our greatest inner Intelligence is Love Itself. The more we open to this greatest Love, the more it replenishes us, the earth and all around us. Love resonates with Love, just like harmony brings about more harmony. Set your Highest Heart free to Love and see how it changes you and your world through the Loving vibration of Love. Let the Intelligence of Love show you the path forward.
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