World View Perspective: Transforming the unconscious fear to Conscious Love
Going deeper into the true Nature of things, Mother Earth and Mankind, we can see the whole of creation as an evolving state of Love. Love is central to any theme of life; birth, family, friends, celebrations, holidays, giving and receiving Love and Joy from life. It is our true connection to all we hold sacred and true in our Highest Hearts. Love is an Infinite Source and Force found throughout creation. It is Pure, Good and Plentiful. It is from and is the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energies. This Pure Being is not isolated, identified, secured or named by any religion or section of the world. This Pure Being is everywhere all at once, nowhere and Now Here. It lives in the Heart of us all. The bigger Intent of our purpose here is to Love this Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energies with all our Heart and have Faith in our Inner Guidance of Love to help us transform our greatest unconscious; locks, blocks or shocks we have endured in our system, to make all aspects of ourselves conscious again. The more conscious we become the less able we are to hurt or harm another because we begin to see on Higher and Higher levels, we are all ultimately ONE with this Infinite Being. Hurting someone else is just like hurting ourselves.
When life is trying to find itself, it will continue to push itself further and further towards it's ultimate expression. This is the evolutionary path we are all on. We must continue to grow; physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, intellectually and spiritually if we are to expand into Higher and Higher states of consciousness and true awareness.
Right now on this planet, more consciousness is working to uplift and transform our thinking and feeling dimensions to open our Hearts more fully and completely through greater acceptance and unity; letting go of old human judgments and divisions, which has created such inequality and imbalance among people. There is a great upheaval ('up-evil') going on to eradicate and weed out what no longer works for our greater opening and evolution. This is showing up and being staged as fear.
It is a greater call to surrender whatever fear we have in our own personal system as well as the Collective Consciousness of fear, common to us all. The most effective way to clear the fear is through Faith in the Love we carry in our Highest Heart. Trust the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energy to take the blocks of fear and clear a greater path towards Love. Love is the strongest Energy to clear fear. Our High Heart might guide us right into the heart of our fear until we surrender it to Love Itself. In that way, we are guarenteed the fear will go and it will be consciously replaced by, to and through Love. Love is the way to and through fear. Put Faith in your Highest Heart and trust the fear will leave and Love will fill it's place. This is the ultimate goal of the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energies. To clear our fear and fill us ever more full of Love, along with greater the greater Consciousness of Compassion and Understanding. This is the true way of evolution for us all.
When life is trying to find itself, it will continue to push itself further and further towards it's ultimate expression. This is the evolutionary path we are all on. We must continue to grow; physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, intellectually and spiritually if we are to expand into Higher and Higher states of consciousness and true awareness.
Right now on this planet, more consciousness is working to uplift and transform our thinking and feeling dimensions to open our Hearts more fully and completely through greater acceptance and unity; letting go of old human judgments and divisions, which has created such inequality and imbalance among people. There is a great upheaval ('up-evil') going on to eradicate and weed out what no longer works for our greater opening and evolution. This is showing up and being staged as fear.
It is a greater call to surrender whatever fear we have in our own personal system as well as the Collective Consciousness of fear, common to us all. The most effective way to clear the fear is through Faith in the Love we carry in our Highest Heart. Trust the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energy to take the blocks of fear and clear a greater path towards Love. Love is the strongest Energy to clear fear. Our High Heart might guide us right into the heart of our fear until we surrender it to Love Itself. In that way, we are guarenteed the fear will go and it will be consciously replaced by, to and through Love. Love is the way to and through fear. Put Faith in your Highest Heart and trust the fear will leave and Love will fill it's place. This is the ultimate goal of the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energies. To clear our fear and fill us ever more full of Love, along with greater the greater Consciousness of Compassion and Understanding. This is the true way of evolution for us all.
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