World View Perspective: What anchors our ego
As we grow and develop, we are effectively 'waved' through by our initial caregivers, usually in the form of our initial parents, who are providing what they know. They have also been waved through their process from their parents and, consequently, given the skills, the education, the food, the clothes and identifications they also received. They naturally draw on their known, through experience, ideas, concepts, world view, understanding and workable applications. This they often do lovingly because they care about their child and/or children and their well being. They want their child to have the needed and necessary skills for life, especially once the child strikes out on their own. It is a system that has worked for generations, to enable our, in general, survival as a species! Styles and influences change, of course, so there are basic changes, through the generations, in design, applications, definitions and sometimes, in directions.
Yet, what remains in our system, in the unconscious and subconscious, is what our original ego development was, based on what or maybe, who, we were anchored to. For example, if our gender at birth said something to the family structure like 'females can only do this' and 'we need to push the males here', that anchoring might remain a long time before we challenge this age old notion. When the ego development was negated or shown only a negative picture and pulse, it might actually turn in on itself, which then pumps the negative impulses that it is still not ok. Effectively then, the message says, the child is not worth anything greater.
If we see it like a blackened, dirty, ill-formed stone were to be thrown into a clear, clean pond, soon that pond water is tainted. Until or unless, someone sees it and cleans out the tainted pond water, that dark stone can continue to taint the pond, keeping the negative old self-image in place, which is harmful. Someone could carry this old tainted pond and underdeveloped rock around within them for years, without realizing it came from early falsehoods, maybe even ancestral programming, and not (knot) truth for the person in current day. To see this, embrace it and work with it is healing.
It is known, that 'when we heal, we heal seven generations. Three above us, our own and three below us.' Author Unknown.
We did not do our initial programming of our ego. Our parents and grandparents did. We did not develop our dirty, dusty old rock (ego), our parents and/or grandparents did. Ancestral patterns can impact our own, which can taint us when it might not truthfully align with our current day truth of who we are! In that case, we must revisit our initial ego development in the family and, consequently, set it free. What most anchors us to the past and to our original family is our initial ego development. Until or unless, we make and take the courage to free it, heal it and open back to our own positive self-image that we actively and consciously, define, we can remain stuck in a false idea of ourselves.
With our own ability to expand our own CONSCIOUSNESS, and to further, do our own healing work, we can begin to uncover our old false ideas about ourselves, which may have been thwarted in childhood. We can overcome those gender, educational, lifestyle limitations that may have been harmful from the past attachments, identifications and responses from our past histories (and ancestral patterns and programming) and truly go on and grow on to our high, Higher and HIGHEST versions of ourselves. Trusting our own INNER LIGHT, HIGHERR SELF, to guide us and get us there. AND, IT IS GOOD!!
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