
Showing posts from October, 2024

World View Perspective: Inner Illumination as a Means of Healing

After we find our own INNER LIGHT and the causes for any wounding along the way, an awareness arises.  We are NOT actually the Wound or the responding LIGHT.  We are aware of them both and how one may have facilitated the other.  Like any two extremes, the middle road will appear and it is the one to travel.  The middle road is our emerging SELF, the one who knows.  This Self of the Soul carries the wisdom of both aspects of what we have ultimately experienced in our life.   The wound is often the friction that polishes the stone.  From birth to adulthood, we are carried like waves on the surf.  Parents are usually our first and best teachers and the ones who have agreed to carry us along with love, affection, care and feeding.  We learn to color inside the lines and to shift and change and adapt to their ways, their expectations and their ideas of who THEY think we are.  They provide the context and structure for us to define ourselves and that gives us the needed and necessary founda