World View Perspective: We are not the ‘knot’ of our story!
Our life story to date contains many knots of old fear, negativity, stress, worry and concern, held in our physical bodies, in most cases! Something from the past might trigger us and we suddenly ‘knot’ up! If we have experienced trauma, this is particularly true! What is occurring is the old fears are afraid of the old hurts coming up and reliving the past experience! This is because we are still attached to our past story and those old identifications! Learning how and choosing to come into current day is what assists us to clear away and release from those old ‘knotted’ up experiences! This is fundamentally because we are NOT/KNOT our story! We are not/knot the fears that keep the past negative narratives trapped in our physical bodies , emotional bodies, or our psychology that might well be affecting our own health and well being in this current time frame! It will most likely remain trapped in our human systems until or unless ...