
Showing posts from June, 2023

World View Perspective: Integrating into our true integrity

  When we think wholeness, we think balance, harmony, truth and integrity!  That we know where we stand and where our center is within us!  If our life has not provided that natural balance, we can begin the search for how to find it, achieve it, implement it and integrate it, adding to our self-awareness and consciousness! Maybe this happens over time,  Maybe we meet a teacher, perhaps it is a good and trusted friend or maybe we go back through the childhood and locate it there! No one is born with everything perfectly aligned, right from the start!  We learn, grow and develop within our families first and often their strengths and limitations show up in our life, or some version of it anyway!  Yet, each one of us can grow and outgrow where we have been to go towards where we’d like to be!  It takes courage, determination and awareness but it can be done!   Our bigger heart and soul may need us to go and grow in order for us to branch out to wher...