World View Perspective: Silencing our sabotaging mind
Aspiring to unite with our Higher Self, our True Spirituality, the Higher Consciousness that we are, takes practice, purpose and positive intention. We must go beyond our day to day consciousness, our programming and our trained way to see things. We must explore other thinking styles, greater perceptual realms and other possibilities. It is necessary for us to come out of the box, temporarily, to see how we can expand our thinking. To grow beyond just our thinking mind. As we aspire to do this, one of the aspects of our personality can surface to derail our very best intentions. This sub-personality is called our sabotaging mind. It can contain old tapes from others that were negative, hurtful, short-sighted or judgmental. It could also be a part of us that developed after years of listening to and believing the negative thinking and reactions/responses others repeated to us. Our mind may have grabbed onto it and our mind may have continued to feed ...