World View Perspective: We are our truth, not our coping skills
We have all developed human coping skills that help us get through each day when life gets too demanding, too tiring, too stressful or too painful for us. Most coping skills are acceptable, most we understand in each other, most of them appear harmless and we think they will be temporary. Some, however, can become addictions that hurt us more than we realize, having negative impacts on others and those we love and they can begin to define us. Coping skills can also mask our greater Truth, which is more about how we really feel towards our relationships, our current situations, our past and our self. To go beneath the reason we need coping skills is most often quite painful because we have escaped from the real reason, adopting instead, coping skills that cover up what we don't want to face. Personal emotional, mental, psychological or even physical pain is difficult because we think that pain is us. We can't discern that it is not us! The world is a won...