World View Perspective: We are not what the world shows us
Our parents do us a great service, whether they meet all our needs or not. They have the responsibility to teach us how best to survive in the world, based on what they know, understand and have experienced themselves. If they are limited to just basic information, knowledge, experience or education, whether it is due to gender limitations, financial restrictions or based on their parents and their limitations, they cannot offer more than what they know. Gratitude and forgiveness for what they provided is essential for our growth and, in many cases, our current health and happiness and certainly for our healing. As adults, one of the greatest gifts we can receive is the developed ability to discern what was 'fed' to us by others, beginning in early childhood when we were not able to discern for ourselves. As we grow and develop, we play out all the expectations, assumptions, self-images, imposed needs, old hurts, old anger, old resentments from those around us,...