World View Perspective: Elitist thinking blocks the heart/soul self

No matter how strong our heart/soul self may be, when elitist thinking takes over, the heart/soul self will not be visible.  Elitist thinking, like other kinds of negative, isolating thoughts, can and does derail the best of our human intentions.  

Oneness, wholeness, The Collective are terms that apply to the entire Humankind presence on earth, including, too, all living things.  When our Hearts and Souls reach out to share our LIGHT to include the whole of life, divided thinking must go because it forms negative boundaries that are harmful and hurtful because ultimately, they are not true.

Throughout time, it seems, there are always those who have more, have been given more or who received more, which creates, of course, the opposite energy of those who have less, are given less and who have received less.  It is part of the balance and re-balance of life.  The issue comes when there is elitist thinking, elevating the thinker, thereby lowering those that they deem below them.  This creates hard feelings and turns people against each other instead of pulling for the wholeness and equality for all.  The 'win-win-win' for all.

The eyes of the Heart/Soul Self see, know and understand so much more about the bigger picture of life.  That aspect of our Soul/Self knows there is a giant web of life that connects us all to life itself and to the Cosmic Soul, which creates and generates Life Itself.  On those levels, division doesn't exist.

Those eyes can see the damage that is done when elitist thinkers decide they are better than others simply because of what they have, own or have acquired in their lives, as if that is their true identification of who they are.  This simply isn't the truth.  This is the effect of one's ego on others that surround them.  It can lead to bullying, demeaning behavior, sharp criticism and deep judgment towards others, affecting the individual's sense of self and consequent behaviors of those who end up impacted by any elitist thinkers, who use these harmful behaviors to only uplift themselves.

For one's own sense of self to be strong, one needs to first value themselves as they are.  Feel gratitude, self-love, self-acceptance, self-forgiveness and an appreciation for everything in their life.  To feel a happiness for being alive and for being in the world.  Comparing our life or our self with others is not a healthy, positive practice.  It hurts what is truly our own self and it devalues our own path.

When we sincerely and dearly love, honor and value who we are at our core and give thanks for our own life and path, we sincerely, consciously, actively, remain linked with our True Heart and Soul Self.  That LOVE is who we are and not what our mind wants to believe we are.  Elitist thinking is divided thinking that separates one from the rest of Mankind.  That is why it is hurtful.

In Truth, we are not separate from Life Itself, or our own soul, which is not separate from the Cosmic Soul.  To believe in our ego-minds idea of separation is to think harmful, negative thoughts towards our fellow man.

Discernment towards anything in our lives that we do not feel is for us or best aligned for what we are doing is necessary and needed. Whereas, when we use elitist thinking to separate and divide it is hurtful for both who receives it and for the one who decides it.  It goes against our Highest and Truest, cleanest and clearest Heart/Soul perspective.  

When the majority of our Hearts and Souls know the LOVE, feel the LOVE and understand the power of LOVE, as well as the SOURCE of it, this world will far out distance those who aim to keep it divided.

On the Highest levels, we are all ONE and therein lies the ultimate respect for us all and for each of our lives, each and every minute we are here!  May True Love, Light and Grace continue to bless us all, just as we truly are!


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