World Wide Perspective: Our inner worth is knowing who we are

Life offers us the great possibility of an inner and outer life.  We learn so much in our early years from parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, teachers then spouses, our own children, co-workers and bosses as well as neighbors and in-laws.  We develop a sense of ourselves and skills to get along in society, at work, socially and in our families.  With our outer physical, mental, emotional and intellectual overall development, we grow into a clear idea of our selves.  We meet people and interact, enjoying companionship and connection.  This forms an even greater outer sense of our self, utilizing our personality, our sense of humor and our means of communication.  The self we show the outside world.  Yet, within us all, too, is a more sensitive, attuned nature and our own personal understanding of who we are and how we feel as our outer self is effected by, affected by, impacted by and possibly infected by others and other experiences in our lives.  Going even deeper with our self, we can find and access a deeper sense of self, and through that sense of self, we can begin to see and feel another aspect of our self that resonates with a bigger picture.

Perhaps we feel the deeper peace, a deeper Love or a calm and abiding Grace.  Maybe we feel more attuned to nature and what it brings us as we view a perfect sunset, a quiet snowfall, a soothing rain.  We can feel and experience a peaceful flow to our breathing, our heartbeat, the pulse of life going on around us and yet it is and isn't us.

Deeper still, we can feel a presence within us that is aware of life and yet remains calm, connected, ever peaceful and loving.  Time spent with this aspect of us makes us even more aware of who we are and more aware of our own depth of Being.  This indwelling Being resides in our Heart of Heart and our soul of Souls.  It is the Cosmic Soul, of which our soul, is familiar.  It is awareness, it is Consciousness, it is our inner sense of well Being.  We cannot be separate from it because we are, in truth, our particular aspect of the Greater Cosmic Soul, designed perfectly for the depth of True Purpose for why we are here.

It is simply waiting to be acknowledged, recognized, communicated with, valued and appreciated for the vastness of all that it contains.  The great seeking, inner searching, questing through meditation and contemplation, along with aspiring for spiritual attainment, spiritual connection, looking for a sense of deep inner Union all serve to remind us of this grand indwelling Being, who stays asleep until we awaken it through our own awakening.

When we know, love, value and appreciate this deeper aspect of ourselves, we form a collaboration with it that allows the Cosmic Consciousness to work in our system to bring us the clarity, the understanding, the current awareness of our life path.  It is like the inner teacher, accessing all the inner knowledge, in order to share it with you.

This deepest connection and Union is within you and becomes the inner sense of your self.  This Union forms your inner worth and value.  We can, then, become our own very best, most attuned, best aligned version of our self on an ongoing basis.  This also forms an inner strength and courage to guide us deeply on the path to find and develop a more solid sense of self, helping us in every way, through every age and stage of life.

Once we know who we are and who we are not, both inner and outer, through discerning how we feel and what we observe in our system, we can become more trusting, more prepared, more Loving and more Compassion towards our self and the greater humanity.  We begin to see the Oneness of all of life and we can deeply forgive, forget, be grateful for it all and grateful for everyone in your life who has served as a teacher, a guide, a partner or a friend to get you from here to there.

Knowing this deeper inner worth through our inner well Being, is a great and lasting gift.  It lets us experience our deepest part of our self, freeing up the past; the anguish, the fear, the regrets, the disappointments and the distractions.  It brings us to a deep sense of Peace, Grace, Love and Understanding through direct and sustained Union.  That wisdom and knowledge is truly golden and it remains with us throughout our whole life.  It is our true worth and value because it is truly who we are within us and outside us.  Knowing this and experiencing this brings us to wholeness and that is why we are here.  And, it is GOOD!!


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