World View Perspective: Our inner health and well Being

Accessing who are within allows us to access our inner health and well Being.  Our own indwelling Being Self knows what we really need to be happier and healthier because it is based in and in relationship to the Source of All of Life.

Our lower nature is what experiences all that life hurls on us and at us from the very start of our human life.  We develop and use all our skills, our senses, innate intelligence, awareness, personality, family observations and lessons, physical and mental abilities of speech, language, understanding, movement, motion, etc., in order to express ourselves and enhance our growth through each age and stage of our developing life.  Sometimes we are supported being our selves and other times, we must make it up as we go.  As we go through that process, we become identified with that combination of experiences; good, bad, up, down, neutral, heavy or light and consequently, we start thinking and assuming that is who we are.  Yes, on the personal human level, those aspects of life form our ideas about ourselves and our lives, guiding us to and through what we need to experience in each lifetime. However, who we really are is a much deeper, much wiser Self, who is much more connected to an expanded truth, connecting us to Greater Wholeness more than we realize.

Our True State of Well Being comes from within like a constantly moving bubbling full stream of Pure Consciousness.  Our Inner Intelligence is vast and wide and connected to a True Expanse of Endless life, Magic, Understanding and Loving Compassion.  Cosmic Consciousness is within us, always waiting for a deeper Union with us to enhance our lives and expand our Self from our very core.  Our human life must be carried on and lived, of course, because we are here to do so.  Yet, within that carefully crafted framework also lies our True Indwelling Being, which is at the Heart of our True Well Being.

When we remain limited in thought, feeling and movement for too long, all the sadness, anger, loss, depression, angst and fear trapped in our system, mainly from the unexpressed or unresolved past, can take over our more rational thoughts and can drive us to actions that are not positive, happy or healthy for ourselves or others.  The lashing out of school shooters, for example, comes from pent up human experiences of deep despair, isolation and loneliness and those who act out tend to feel desperate enough to harm one's self and other human beings, no matter who they are or where they are.  This striking out violently indicates too much has boiled up inside to the point of no rationale thought or control.

If we could realize that our sum total of life's experiences are not who we truly are, we could release all the pent up frustrations differently and let them go.  Not finding any need to hurt, damage or kill our selves or other people in the process of letting it all boil over!

A useful technique is to feel the feelings and think the thoughts that come up from our lower nature and in the process, have a sense of asking our Inner Intelligence and Cosmic Consciousness to lift them from us and take them away to be transmuted and transformed into something so much healthier, happier and truthful.  Use your imagination to see a balloon and fill it with the old stuffed in thoughts or feelings and once full, let it float away to pop and be immediately changed into fresh clean air you breathe in deeply to renew your current self.  Or imagine a bottle floating on the ocean.  Grab it and write on imaginary notes all that is bothering you and stuff them into the bottle.  Throw the bottle into the sea and watch all that you wrote evaporate and become fresh new happier, healthier emotions about your self and your past.  See how many things you can imagine and use to clear out any and all old unhappiness or rage you are ready to release, to bring back into your self to fill yourself with new found joy!

Realizing all those old things that trap us are not us but rather, experiences we have had that may have formed, influenced and impacted our lives but we are much more that that sum total of human intellectual, mental, emotional and physical past helps us release what we don't currently need.  We can recreate ourselves through positive thoughts and feelings in the right now moment and become that person now, each and every day.  Making each and every day the best day of our lives.  Because right here and right now, is truthfully all we have.  Every day and, in fact, every minute we can begin again, focusing on our own best happiness and health, especially or in particular, by accessing our own Inner health and well Being.

Seek out and Trust your own Inner Intelligence and be open to that expanse of Consciousness to show you the way to your own happiest, healthiest Self and then you'll see how we all have this ability within, which connects us all to the TRUE BEAUTY of LIFE as it truly is and ongoing happiness and positive health can be ours in each and every minute of the best day of our life, which is every, conscious, active day, starting right now, right here . . . and it is GOOD!


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