World View Perspective: Making peace with the past

When we are developing our intellects, minds, emotions, physical and spiritual awareness, bodies and selves, we can make unconscious, subconscious, ill-informed choices, decisions and actions, without worrying about consequences for ourselves and others.  As we develop, we don't know what is motivating us, guiding us, defining us or influencing us and whether or not it is harmful, hurtful, damaging or cruel even . . . AT THE TIME!

As we grow, mature and develop further, we can look back with regret, fear, remorse, sadness, relief, anger and disappointment at what we thought we should have done, avoided, gone past, ignored or not ever been involved in or who we should not have been in relationship with . . . AT THE TIME!

The 'time' being the operative word.  At the time it happened, we were simply where our own consciousness was, which most likely means, we were not fully awake to our actions and their full consequences.  We weren't acting like our True Self.  Therefore, it becomes very important, necessary and needed to practice active conscious self-forgiveness and gratitude.  Forgiving our past actions is a healthier, happier thing to do.  Feeling gratitude that we were able to have those experiences, learn from them and move beyond them, growing ever more wise and knowledgeable, is very important and necessary for our growth as a human and spiritual beings.

The Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energy definitely helps us to surrender all that we have been before and done before to let go of the old and shift and change our awareness to Higher, clearer vibrations.  It is an ongoing moving Consciousness of positive, LOVING, fresh, rejuvenating PRESENT energy and it LOVES to recycle what is no longer needed or wanted so we can become who we are with even more LIGHT.

Picture again a stuck drain pipe.  Loaded with hair, grease, egg shells, fruit peels, etc.  When the tap turns on, the free flowing water cannot get through.  Nothing is moving. Now apply a liquid that loosens up the gnarled up old mess and frees it from the pipe.  With conscious effort, the mess moves on and the pipe is clear.  Now, nothing is in its way and it can move through at just the right speed, freeing up all that is in its path.  The Cosmic Consciousness is just like that liquid, entering any stuck areas in us, freeing up our Higher Consciousness, our self-love and ultimately our true Self so we become clearer, cleaner, more positive, happier and healthier.  We aren't 'junked' up anymore so we become clear in our thinking, feelings and actions.  Now a new self can emerge!

Holding onto our past self images and old identifications of our self, just 'junks up' our system and makes it so difficult to move forward on any level we are!

Loving our past, forgiving our past and being grateful for our past begins to set us free.  We have so many levels and layers to get to and through in our lifetime, we need 'clean/clear pipes' to continue on our way or we do and will get stuck.  See yourself and feel yourself full of fresh, clean, clear new light.

Trust the Highest Light, the Brightest Light you can to collaborate with your own sincere efforts to feel what real and heal from the past.  See it as a healing LIGHT, capable of cleansing all in its path, showing you the fresh new way to proceed.  Trust it wants to assist you to get clear about who you really are and why you are really here and how best to become all you can be.  It is LOVE, LIGHT, TRUTH and HEALING ENERGY ITSELF and it is also you.  Higher Consciousness is who we are, it surrounds us and is around us each and every day.  Be in active, vital, conscious relationship with this Highest LIGHT and let it show you how to release from the grips of the past and move on to a happier, healthier future of LOVE right now.  That lovely LOVE is truly who you are and in each moment, it is the real TRUTH OF LIFE as we move to and through LIFE as our most wonderful, glorious, shining selves!  Forgive, love and feel gratitude for the past and allow your HIGHEST LOVE to vibrate that HIGHEST LOVE right here, right now!  Trust this HIGHEST LIGHT is you, too!  Let it be GOOD!


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